11th Annual Horrible Halloween movie flight - Friday Night Flights Oct 25th @ 9pm EDT

Join us Friday night! All welcome, casual flight. Join our Discord if you would like to voice chat (optional).
Discord: msFlights.net
Flight lead: Lazerbolt

Now that you’re in the Halloween spirit, please join us on Friday night as we take a long flight and watch the worst monster movie I could find!

Weather and Time of day:
Set your weather to the “Storm” preset and your time to Midnight of course!

Aircraft for Friday night:
I will be flying the Captain sim C130 for this flight, but anything that can maintain 280 KIAS will be just fine.

Fridays fright plan is as follows:

Basle-Mulhouse departure (LFSB)
Transylvania Romania (LRSB)

hope to see everyone there!

So, grab your favorite beverage, pop some corn and join us as we fly and watch an awful movie together.

Happy landings,

Watch the full flight and movie here:

Alas, I’m on a work trip and can’t join in, but this is a great idea that I’ll be replicating with my TBM 850 hopefully on Sunday night!