120 Floor Building in Small Coastal Town in NSW Australia

Summary: 120 floor building in small town in Australia

Details: 42 Gregory Street Batemans Bay NSW Australia is displaying a very tall skyscraper. Google Street View shows a one story building.

Screenshot attached.

On Steam, Not in Developer Mode, No Addons, Standard Edition

Build Version #

May have been put up by a Chinese construction company last weekend. They’re really quick. XD

check it later…


I look at that and think COOL –

what a great building to practice

“Turns about a Point”

Still not as high as

#1 Burj Khalifa Dubai United Arab Emirates 2,717 ft, 163 Floors

but taller than

#2 Shanghai Tower Shanghai China 632 2,073ft 128 Floors

Making this Australian building the 2nd tallest building in the MSFS World !!

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Chinese construction crew confirmed

Yes, but the more Important question is —

“can you land a helicopter on the Roof ?”

— without dropping through it, 120 floors to the basement !!.

or maybe the roof 100% covered with A/C units to server all those 120 floors !!!


the day, there are regular helicopters in FS (sometime before 2030), we can find out.

A lot of Heliports seem to be appearing in recent Updates, so maybe that’s a good sign –

Just like all those Water Runways that appeared when Asobo added more Float Planes.


Huey or Hind please. Then I don’t have to go to school anymore. :joy:

This happened before in another place in Australia that Asobo did fix. It was reported what happened. The number of floors in the building comes from Open Street Map and if the person entering that data added an extra zero or digit - this is what happens in MSFS :slight_smile:

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Google Street View shows a one story building.

So a typo , of typing “120” instead of “1” is MASSIVE !!

Fixed in World Update 10.