I am running what was considered the best chip for MSFS (6 months ago) a i7 12700k…12 gen Z690 Mobo DDR4 (could not get ddr 5 at the time unless it was ultra rip off prices on Ebay. The 12 gen i7 was definitely outperforming the 12 gen i9.
Just recently upgraded my RTX 3080 to a RTX 4090 and it’s running MSFS beta with 3 55" 4k monitors (All set to 4k) great.
Here is the question… IM building a new computer to use at my office and purchased a 13 gen z790 mobo, and a i9 13900k 24 core chip DDR 5. This is SUPER ULTRA overkill for my office computer, but I wanted a great computer. Now IM thinking I should take my 6 month old mobo and i7 and use it on my work computer, and use the new 13 gen i9 for my sim… But, I can not find any data on if it will be any better than what I currently use…or worse. Check out this picture of the frame rate on my current rig FYI with the RTX4090 running 4 screens…3 55" Samsung Q7’s running 4k and a 27" acer touchscreen…a plugable usb to hdmi running 2 wimaxit touch screens (6 total) and the Vision jet with air manager (you MUST check out all of Crunchmiester’s new air manager panels…full G3000 suit INCLUDING a working auto throttle!!) …Almost full ultra…and all 5 G3000 (Yes 5) screens popped out!
It’s only using a small percentage of the CPU…AND Check out the 4090…my 3080 was at 99%…the 4090 is running faster, cooler, and not maxing out.
Worth changing to the 13 gen???
Thanks everyone
I was going to say yes the CPU swap over should be worth it, especially since it’s not going to cost anything, but then I saw your average FPS sitting at 190
which is probably beyond the refresh rate of the monitors you are using. ie. why bother if you are getting such great performance already?
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All - In many posts here, this game seems to be more CPU dependent than GPU dependent. That is based on comments of others. If you already have the components you mentioned, yes, I would use the I9-13xxx GPU, Memory and transfer the 4090 into that box, and use the old one for work.
Be aware of the connection issues with the 4090, gamers Nexus did extensive testing on what was going on with connections and those cards., Big Gotcha! - is to firmly push in the high-power connector into card, and also to have at least 1000-watt PS, 1200 in my opinion would be better giving you head room for down the road if needed.
Good Luck and Happy Flying, but your present rig seems to be doing the job fine, so If not already spent the money, wait, newer stuff is going to be announced at CES in January 2023 in Las Vegas, so who knows what is coming out.
FWIW-I just got my Samsung Neo G9 Monitor setup, and still playing with some of its settings. MSFS will look excellent on it. FSX looks good on it, as well as X-Plane 12 PB. I window into three sections for my work things so not overwhelmed with too much empty space on screen. So far, it’s a great monitor, and I think I got excellent price from Samsung cheaper than Amazon on a special price thing they offered. I am getting a monitor stand to raise it up higher so middle of the screen is at the middle of my vision field. Plus added benefit is stuff hooked to Laptop will now be closer at hand to use, so monitor actually can be closer to me so I can see instruments better. Think win-win for that. There 55" new offering also looks nice, but I tried our 55" 4K TV and it looked washed out and the sizing was not to my liking, again using HDMI. My stuff does not have DP connection, so not getting full benefits of what monitor can do. Maybe new PC end of March or so, will see.
FWIW-2-My Nvidia 2070 using HDMI and I7-9750 Gamer Laptop runs X-Plane just fine. MSFS is currently off machine. Going to wait until next SW update before Install to ensure some bugs get fixed first. Based on last time on machine, they both seemed to be taking my GPU to 81-82C temp zone. Medium Graphics for both games. MSFS settings are more complicated for me to get correct.
190 fps?! If I knew I could get that result guaranteed from a setup, I would find the money and buy the same instantly !
I have a i12900K & RTX3080ti setup with three 1440 screens and two 1080p touch panels on USB/HDMI and I am killing myself just trying to get above 30FPS max, its totally CPU limited for some reason. The CPU is running at 4900Mhz.
I have seen a video with a guy rocking way more hardware than i have which indicates to me I might have a problem in BIOS or some other setting pre GPU.
Your setup sounds amazing
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That 190 FPS is all the screens combined, not per screen FPS. I have 1 TV, 1 monitor and 1 tablet all running on windows. My FPS counter shows 365 FPS in windows but it’s a total of all pop outs combined. In reality for me it’s 60fps multiplied by the amount of pop outs I have (totalling 6).
Thanks everyone! I was really wondering about that high frame rate. The Samsung q7’s have a higher than 60 refresh rate…120…but getting it enabled is a pain in the tale…they love to change back to 60 by themselves every time Samsung updates them…and that’s frequently because the commercials they always find a way to stick into the software keeps changing. Turn off the wifi and they constantly complain.
Anyone running a really expensive mobo? If I do change chips, I’m going to get a better mobo than I got for the work computer…my current 12 gen is a msi ddr4 dedicated mid range Mag z690…I figure if I’m going to do this…I am going to get the latest greatest rated 13 gen mobo so I don’t have to reflash the bios. My new case can handle any mobo out there…corsair 5000 airflow… it’s a monster…13 fans. Dedicated space for push pull on the radiator…6 intake 3 on the front and 3 on the rh side and maintains a higher psi inside keeping it really clean super cool and runs benchmark tests in the top 10%…maxed out the i7 12700k never gets above 50 - 60. Avg temp is about 7 degrees above ambient It’s got plenty of space for the newest largest mobo’s. The 4090 fits without covering the side fans…it’s a huge case! Wire management is unbelievably good.
Yes the RTX4090 Wire harness is poorly designed. I ordered 2 replacements…1 from diymod that is far superior to Nvidias and one that is 90 degrees that Tom’s hardware is raving about…but it’s about a month out from shipping. The Nvidia…you have to grab the back of the 4090 and push like hxxx but it eventually snaps in. The moddiy one is supposed to be here today but you still must bend the wires some even with my monster case. Really poorly designed Nvidia wiring. Yes it’s all about more cooling space but the 90 degree connection should be built in. What would it have cost them…a couple pennies??? I’m an engineer myself, and I really despise poor engineering. It’s an example of what happens when everything is done in autocad…to be a good engineer…you must get your hands dirty before the end of the project!
Dave, make sure your USB Buses are not over capacity. I use a USB-C hum running out of a 10GB/S USB-C port and everything I have running off it works fine. I only have one monitor though Samsung Neo G9, and have not got MSFS installed now, waiting for next SW update, before I plunge in again. I can also run 2-3 monitors out of it if I want to then it needs power. This one is so big, that finding it hard to grasp all the vision field currently, sure will adjust.
I decided to go with the 13 gen upgrade i9 13900k.
Thanks for everyone’s input…msfs is definitely going to get more demanding as the data continues to grow…so I purchased a high end mobo z790 ddr5, and will use my existing 12 gen i7 12700k …mobo and all… on my work computer im building. The new mobo has even more usb power than I have now with all 10 usb ports red, most with the fastest speed…not counting the Thunderbolt jacks and another 2 usb C 3.0 ports. This mobo has the split power setup adding a ton of usb power.
The ddr5 i hope will help also over the ddr4 have now.
Everyone have a merry Christmas!
I will send pictures of this as I do it.
I know the last post was from Dec 2022…but how is the 13900k working for you?
Any comparisons to report from the 12700k?
This computer is a monster! The full 13 gen build runs msfs better, loads faster, and works half as hard to do it. I am now running 7 monitors, 4 that are touchscreens all running air manager…everything is set at its highest resolution… multiple msfs popouts…3 most of the time… for example vision jet …pfd, mfd, and 1 of the small G3000 …everything works perfectly (simavaiton Otto’s full vision jet set)…working auto throttle…and 3 full 4k 55" Samsung q7’s…all running modified ultra…and every monitor runs close to the max frame rate and never get below 40fps even in custom high rez airports with fs traffic at 100%… Zero stutters…crashes… freezing…etc. its unbelievable.
Also running multiple programs in the background…pilot2atc along with everything needed to run all the stuff my rig has.
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I am looking at one, have to wait till April to get it, as other things have taken priority, this is just a game and other thing in life are way more important.
That sounds like magic. How it can be done?
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The 12th gen i9 has issues that the rebuilt 13 gen i9 has fixed. The 12th gen i7 has less cores but performs MUCH better! But my 13 gen i9 build puts the 12th gen i7 I had in 2nd place!
Several youtube videos about it (12 gen i7 12700k vs 12 gen i9) and also this forum
FYI: Which CPU should I choose?
But the new 13 gen i9 coupled to a 13 gen mobo WITH the 13 gen chip…you would be surprised how many new builds sell a 13 gen i9 with the 12 gen chip… Definitely get the 790 on a 13 gen mobo! And ddr5 Definitely performs better!