13900kf VS 5900x - Direct comparison

Today I ran some comparative tests, to understand how much performance improvement I got, moving from a 5900x to a 13900kfs.

The “old” configuration is a 5900x, RTX4090, 32 GB @ 3800.
The new one is a 13900kf, RTX4090, 32 GB @ 6400.

Tests are done with a replay of a flght over Manhattan (5 runs, aggregation of the middle 3). 11:00 AM, Clear sky.
All VR options on Ultra, but Occlusion, Lightshaft and Reflections on Low. TLOD 150, OLOD 200.

DLSS Performance, game render scale 100, OpenXR render scale 200.
No RP, no OpenXR Toolkit.

In the tests with FPS locked to 44, the 13900kf had a 43,8 medium value, the 5900x had 38,3. +14%
In the free FPS tests, the 13900kf had a 53,1 medium value, the 5900x had 39,9. +33%

Generally speaking, the new CPU greatly improved performance. And these where test that I created for the 5900x, the 13900kf can surely do better with tailored configurations.

Flying is perfect, there are virtually no stuttering or slow downs, except the small ones related to scenarios loading.

Having a medium FPS value over 50, furthermore, will make a nice 45 to 90 RP possible - I’ll try this soon.

I’m almost more impressed by the performance increase I got changing CPU, compared to the one I had moving from the 3090 to the 4090.

Locked FPS comparison. 13900kf can keep the 44 all the time, and this gives better smoothness. The lower rendering times increase the difference percentages, but the final result is much better.

44 FPS, 5900x: maximum value is 43,9, rendering times are between 21 and 35 ms, with a medium value that fluctuates quite a lot. Smoothness is anyway at 99,9%.

44 FPS, 13900kf: the maximum value is above the fixed one, which is basically the medium one. Rendering times are between 15 and 35 ms, so bigger differences, but the medium value is steady on the 23 ms. 100% smoothness.

In the free FPS comparison, the 13900k flies away, with a big margin over the 5900x. The medium value on the Intel CPU is 15% higher than the peak value on the AMD CPU. And the rendering times are always lower.

Free FPS, 5900x: peak 45,5, medium value 38,8. CPU is operating at its limit, with rendering times between 30 and 23 ms. Smoothness is anyway very good.

Free FPS, 13900kf: peak 67, medium value 51,5. This CPU guarantees an optimal result, with rendering times between 20 and 23 ms. Smoothness, of course, stands at 100%.


Excellent test, thanks for posting.
I would love to see a 5800x3D in this comparison. I am curious to know what you did not take the easy upgrade (no motherboard change) to the 5800x3D, do you have concerns about the performance of this chip?


For sure the 5800x3D would be close. I picked the 13900KF because it’s anyway a “new” generation chip, while the other is still an “old” Zen. Maybe I could have waited for February, when the new x3D should come out… but the I could have waited 6 months more for the new Intels… and then 6 more for the new AMDs… and so on :smiley:

Now, for sure it would have been easier to keep the architecture I had, but I took the leap and moved to DDR5 as well.


yeah, I understand.
I also upgraded to a 4090, since I already had a 5800x3D I decided to wait until Feb for the next upgrade. Have fun and thanks again for taking the time to post your results.


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