1st hour relase load bug

no i did not miss it, where you want to put it? if another user uses the PC they got to download it again as its part of the profile

and as its downloaded outside of steam, you cant back the game up either, need to download the 100GB again

■■■■■■■ stupid.

i still have the same issue

right click on the game in steam and select uninstall so it fully deletes… then try and install it again… this has worked for both me and my friend.

Just keep trying… That’s what worked for me and others.

I hate to say it but I think you blew right past this step. You can certainly choose where these ~90GB of files are stored. I did it during the alpha/beta (multiple times) and I just did it again for the full release. It’s literally the second or third step upon opening the exe for the first time.

yes i saw that step.

the point is its part of your user profile if its going into appdata.

if you dont work in IT and know how to manage user profile accounts your probably missing what this whole thing means.

microsoft shouldnt be so stupid as to install 100GB of game into a users profile appdata

The only thing I’m confused about is why you think it’s necessary to install this in appdata when you can literally browse to any file path of your choosing.

Good grief, what’s wrong with that place?


  1. why is it trying to install it in app data if its not going to be treated as part of your profile
  2. why is micorosft installing the game into appdata in the fist place

like i said if you dont work in IT then there is a whole lot of stuff behind the curtain you dont know about in relation to this point that your over looking and thinging oh i just pick another folder.

try backing game up in steam after you wait for it to download… i bet you cant! as its part of your profile

Can you maybe not be a jerk, Karen?

Almost everyone had to deal with this. Everyone managed by restarting a couple of times until it actually worked.

I have same issue, I try to reinstall,but it don’t work.

Ok folks. I had the same issue (TBM big image splash screen with frozen progress bar) and fixed it.

I did this by following the “slow download troubleshooting”.

  • Go to zendesk in their top nav here
  • Find that pinned FAQ about slow download
  • Follow the command prompt and firewall instructions there.

I have a feeling in my case that my firewall was blocking access and for some reason not prompting me. Got a different screen now (smaller window) with the download progress bar showing % etc.

Note: I also restarted my PC and once again ran the command prompt thing as well as disabled both public and private firewalls. Worked like a charm whereas before I couldn’t get it to move past even after restarting the app

Negative @SneakyGreenYoda. That didn’t help for me. See my post about firewall etc as recommended on their Zendesk.

the fun of buying it on day one!

@Jummivana interesting. That seems to line up with my assumption that firewall was blocking it without prompting. See my other post in this thread about fixing it by disabling firewall settings (and also running a Command Prompt thing, but I think that’s more about speeding download speeds up vs getting unstuck)

Mate…pull your neck in.
Now take a few deep breaths and try this. Go to: Settings
Type in… Storage… in top box
Select Storage Settings
Select…Change where new content is saved
Go to…New Apps will save to…
Select which drive you want to save the game to…A, B Z or what ever you choose
Clear as mud ? I hope so
You’ll attract more bees with honey than vinegar mate

@stevewratten indeed! Though we are really lucky to be having such a great product and living in these amazing times where we can enjoy these luxuries, wouldn’t you say? Anyway, did it work for you with my tip above? Curious!

1 & 2. Not sure what you mean, as the default install location was not appdata for me. Regardless, I am able to pick any folder of my choosing. If there’s so much behind the curtain explaining why its so terrible to install it in appdata, why don’t you do a little problem solving and do 3-4 clicks to solve the issue.

@SN0WY33 if I’m correct about what @stevewratten is talking about, it’s the same issue I had which occurs before MSFS launches the download window. It’s the full screen TBM image screen with the blue progress bar that isn’t supposed to take long, but gets stuck (likely due to invisible firewall block). See my other post here about it.

If that’s the case, then he’s talking about the 1GB launcher that gets installed to your WindowsApps. That is much different than the 90GB download that follows, which can be assigned to any directory you want.