5 3600x, 2060super, 32 gig 3000mhz RAM running on 2K
sim is on SSD, addons on m2 ssd
lots of add-ons, no secret.
these stutters are persistent since one/two updates
heavily remarkable in the H125 because the stutter changes the tilt so the flight dynamics
stutters appear near mountains, before they are “morphing” (but not before every morphing…)
sometimes the stutters come in a pack of 4, mainly 2 pcs.
when enough distance and a constant “view” on mountains, stutters would stop for a longer time
sometimes the stutters disappear - I could not find the root cause - but seldomly
generally I did not have any perf. issues yet. but these stutters are killing me …
my GPU is running on 70-95% but when the stutters happen it would fall back by 20-30% (no temp issues!) , no HDD activity, short download peak, CPU would rise from 20-30% to 40-60% at the moment of stutter
since 4 days I am looking for the reason of these stutters:
pre-cache terrain is set on ultra, cache was tried off and with 100 GB
here is my try to list you what I already tried:
BIOS settings - XMP, OC off, etc
threaded optimisation, 30 FPS, Vsync on/off, overlay off, GPU OC off,
all third-party software off (little navmap, IVAO, etc.)
LOD’s high and low
developer mode on/off
-bloom, lens flare, etc. off
… (lots of other settings)
Bijan 4-season deactivated (thought because of the trees)
I am happy for any advise, feedback or similar story
is it the snow? the Alps? internet? weather? aliens?
after 4 flights - like @MichaMMA suggested - before starting the flight, on the ground, delete cache and set it to (ideally small size) ~ 20 GB. Only few and short stutters experienced yet…
Thanks to all of you!
deleting the cache brought me also stability - due to a constant download of scenery the stutters disappear or get less…
now, yesterday (my family already hates me) I did intensify my observation: I did have some success when switching cache totally off - temporarly -
I saw, that the big stutters are linked with a wave of download (when cache was ON) - so deleting the cache triggered a constant download (of scenery I guess) - the stutters became more seldom and not so intensive…
the second thing was switching my 2K resolution to 1080p, this brought also less stutters… (though having 1080p on a 26’’ monitor looks creepy)
(whereas my 2060super is also bored - running on 60-70% …)
putting 80% render scale on 2K did also enhance the situation - but I am not sure about that - maybe it was subjective
generally I also observed that if I did some orbits in mountain regions the stutters temporarly stopped - I guess the sim loaded fully the scenery, mountains were finished morphing - on the contrary I got heavy stutters when reaching a ridge of a mountain and my view was getting completely open (the sim had to do the whole work of building the view from the scratch)
so - I have a 250mbit down internet and the game is running fine with 30 frames generally on 2K (the last year) … so these are only working on the symptoms and not the root cause… I guess
a cache with a not necessary high-size (which 100gig is), can also cause issues. Reduce the cache to 16 or 32 GIG , which should be far enough and the necessary effort to “manage the file” is much lower. Permanent Off depends on network speed, but have the same effect off avoiding the management-overhead but you lost the beneffit in case of already visited places.
2K is 1080p
We seen some users which set fancy Render-Scaling and wonder about performance issue. Can you post a screenshot of your settings ? Also the LOD settings are important… If you have 1080p a render-scale below 100% should not necessary.
2K is for me 2560x1440 - sorry for that… HD was always 1920x1080 for me, you are right.
Update 2 - I made a short flight around Innsbruck today with all add-ons OFF - no stutters, I thought “let the add-on search begin” → switched all add-ons back again - and there was NO stutter today around the mountain regions of Innsbruck … after long time
so my guess (from today) is that it is mainly terrain/internet problems i.e. microsoft bing servers?!
so, before starting the flight, on the ground, in the plane - deleting the cache and making a new one had a big effect on the stutters. now they are few and short. did not test the other ones yet.
yes, but I have them for a long time, should have been the cause for stutters long time ago… I use lifts for a long time - powerlines ~ since the last update and solar panels for 2-3 weeks approx. but as I said, today every add-on was activated and I had no stutters… I will make my research ongoing but the stutters occur in my opinion in “primetime” - friday evening, weekend …
i have them all installed and do not suffer from this hitching! I had these annoying stutters before SU8 and got rid of them by uninstalling mesh addons.
When i flew from salzburg or graz to innsbruck, it was kinda not playable with these stutters.
I have 664 Addons installed and the problems were these mesh addons.
there is also a connection to the meshes, surely. before managing the stutters by deleting and setting a new cache I had the most heavy ones in Slovenia - “due” to the 20m DEM of Troglodytus… but these are also mainly gone now due to the cache-cleaning
that said, Troglodytus said himself, that the quality of the mesh delivered now by Asobo is equal or better then his. The only reason to still use his is that if you suffer from terrain spikes it should be better with the Troglodytus version.
That was the reason i deleted all meshes i had installed and all problems seems to be gone.
So after ~5 days of observation I give up. Last time I had stutters over plain scenery (no add-ons) whereas in mountainous areas (Switzerland, Matterhorn, even had a scenery conflict!! due to overlapping add-ons) there were no stutters. I most likely think it has to do with the servers as I do not find any reliable regularities…
Last time I got stability while turning off the cache so there was a constant donwload of scenery.
(no pikes of download and CPU and a short pause of GPU in the exact moment of the stutters - which is the only reliable thing I did observe)