In tonight’s(5th Feb) live stream the Custom registration bug was marked as fixed in SU_1
But, it is not fixed, the random generated registration is turned off and you now can set one registration, that is now used for “ALL” aircraft.
This is not a fix, it maybe a temp fix, but not fixed
The Wish:
What is needed is the same system we had in 2020, where the registration is taken from the livery.
Thank for reply, I did hear the whole answer thanks, and the whole answer did not cover the original bug/issue.
The original issue was the system randomly generated a registration that was not related to the livery, so you could have a German livery with a UK registration. This registration changed each time you selected the same aircraft,
Unlike in 2020, where the registration was pulled from the livery data.
So, what has happened is they have stopped the random generated registration and now if you set a registration, that registration is applied to anything you fly until you manually change it again.
What is needed is what they had working fine in 2020, pull the reg from the livery files.
On the stream they said the issue was fixed, it was only partly fixed, in that it does not generate random registrations, it still wrong as you have to change it manually each time, and Martial said that part would be a future new feature. But it was a bug that was introduced (or bad working feature) by them and was reported and accepted as a bug. Just because they decided to fix part of the issue, does not mean the whole issue is fixed.
So, I did hear. Would have been happy for them to have documented the bug as “Partially fixed in SU_1” rather than “fixed”, which means it’s forgotten about till all the other bugs are sorted, which is what Martial said.
This Wishlist item, it to put the issues back on the lists so it does not get forgotten.
Yes, when I make a livery of a real world plane, I expect it to use the registration number of the real world plane, and I don’t want to have to keep track of all of them and have to enter it every time I get in the sim.
I can’t imagine why the atc_id value was disabled. It worked great as it was; it set a default value for the livery, and the user could customize it if they wanted too.
Even better when we figured out how to create registrations that could be customized, so liveries created by us little folk could be customized by users.
I realize this is (slightly) off topic, please properly document how registration decals work in the SDK so people can create them. Aircraft extremely rarely use the same font and size for registrations, we really like to make them like they really look, and many users like to use custom registrations. But don’t let that requirement stop liveries from being allowed to have a default registration for that livery. This can’t be that hard to understand.