2024 Autopilot Control Binding Issue

Control Binding Page only has Functional Autopilot Settings on Asobo B737.

I was using the Asobo 737 Max to bind everything. There is a subsection of Autopilot controls in the 737 settings labeled “Not Categorized” that has all of the A/P settings, heading select, altitude, speed etc. Linked them all up with my controllers and it was a breeze. When I switched planes, nothing transferred over. The subsection “Not Categorized” doesn’t even exist in the autopilot control settings on other airliners. Maybe they’re working on this, and the 737 was the first to receive this. I don’t know. But my bindings wont transfer, and I cant just make new ones for the other airliners because they just don’t exist beyond 737… anyone dealt with this or know anything about it? I find it insane that only one plane has actual functional A/P binding options, and I find it so weird that the specific subsection (with everything I need) only exists on ONE plane. Thought I might be able to cut out SPAD.next because of how well it was working, but maybe not. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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