2024 Career Mode

I’m not sure yet how much I will get into career mode, but I will probably try it. Of course I do have questions, most of which aren’t yet answerable, but why not:

Is there a full version of the license tree available? Or only that snapshot taken from a video?

Will licenses be worldwide?

Will career mode recognise your additional aircraft? For example if FFX releases the Avanti, will it somehow recognise it as a multi engine turboprop? If so, will it only work on marketplace purchases or will it work on external aircraft like PMDG airplanes?

Can you rent or lease the aircraft using your ingame money?

Will you need to hire a copilot for planes that aren’t single pilot licensed? Or a crew for your airliner if you get one?

Is being an employee pilot a viable route or are you expected to become an airline manager at some point? I do not have statistics, but I guess most airline pilots do not own the aircraft they fly.

If you do become an entrepreneur in it, then do you set your own prices or it works more like quests with a set reward you either accept or don’t.

Will you need ingame ATC to be able to use career mode or can you use vatsim/sayintentions/beyondatc?


That is an important information for me, and certainly one that will influence my future buying decisions.

As I understood, wear and tear and state saving was only in career mode (except for planes that actually already have these features now). Correct me if I’m wrong.

Does someone know if the location of the plane is also saved ?

Hi @Tuffbull7923

I’ll give you some of my thoughts, but not all of them are backed by any certain knowledge!! :grinning: :grinning:


Really surprised they skipped the career progression of flight instructor. I think a lot real pilots get their start doing that job with students trying to kill you, right?

Also, I think a career mode should have a more indepth working of paperwork, write ups and MELs. You could fill out a fictional logbook, work with maintenance and make the plane “legal” to fly. Or when you spawn in, the plane comes with a certain number of things deferred and you have to figure out if the plane is legal or not.

That would make it just so immersive.


Well, the sim should attract future pilots from 6 to 99 (okay, maybe the latter should not step into a real flight training anymore) and not bore them to death :wink:

Also I’m sure that paperwork is not universal around the globe which might make it realistic for US citizen but mostly irrelevant for someone from e.g. India (just like with the atc phraseology which is different in Europe compared to the US and compared again to Asia).

The phraseology topic alone is a reason to take atc with a large grain of salt until there is a better system and not just use it in real life.

I’m glad there are at least realistic missions and that you have to work your way through training. What I’d like to see when it comes down to additional complexity would be type certificates as currently it looks like the career only is about earning a general license but not requiring specific training for an aircraft type, at least for the heavies.


No military career either.
With the banned weapons, it’d be a bit more difficult.
But all the learning to fly these planes could be admissible.
A step further laser-tags for dogfight training…and water bomb in the range ;-). Missions would be patrols and interceptions for fighters.
For haulers, humanitarian missions or participate to military exercises (troop transport).


You think that they could consult with pilots from around the world to gauge how paperwork is done? Apologies, I was probably overly harsh with my comment on it. It just seems like this community wants this realm of realism but should the game and sim meet. Half group seems to want failures and crazy indepth systems, but on the hand some of the things real pilots deal with…might turn their nose at.

So hear me out again. We introduce a level of difficult system like the sims before have always had. Weather, the turbulence, p-factor, unlimited fuel…all these make the game easier or harder. So now we add mechanical issues and then take it even further with a collective repair system. Getting it fixed or putting the fix on hold. As like you said, paperwork and bureaucracy can change. But we can maybe leave the fixing limits to just this.

There are three challenges a week. That mode is separate from Career mode. Think of Bush Trips and Landing Challeges. The three weekly challenges are in the Activities section. Anyone can do them. Free flight is available to everyone, and is a separate mode.

The missions are in Career mode. You can either do all the training missions to get certification for missions of that type, or you can skip directly to the checkride to get your certification. But once you get your certification for missions of those type, you will be able to freely choose them on the map.


Given that “career mode” games are Asobo’s bread and butter outside of FS… I’m going to assume they’ve got the concept pretty well handled. :smiling_face:

Yeah, that seems amiss….

But let’s remember, this is very early in the life cycle of the product. Hopefully this gets added over time…. It’s not like Asobo doesn’t have experience here. Anyone seen all the rats?!

Totally agree. Maybe related to the above comment? Also, as noted, this is the first go around. That seems like a natural new career to be added with an update, maybe after they’ve worked out more complex AI character integration.

I guess if that’s the best we got then for me I’ll be skipping to check rides, aimlessly doing it & correcting as it corrects me to go as quickly as possible to unlocking so I can enjoy. I don’t really care about systems or procedure adherence. But forced to explore it a bit to freely enjoy some special missions.

Thanks for the answers, expecially for the screenshot of the licenses, though I do hope there will be more than what is shown on it, for example type ratings.

As for the others, there was one I guess I could have been clearer. I ment the question regarding renting or leasing airplanes with ingame currency not from the marketplace, but inside career mode. For example once you graduate from singe engine to multi engine you’d need to spend ingame money to buy a DA62 to get your passengers using that.

So you will need to fly the starting cessna, or whatever, to collect enough credits to buy that Diamond and so on and so forth. But I think there is no real world example for someone to own a 747 for hire which then he would fly themselves.

But as of now, I’m not sure even the select few who have been lucky enough to be invited to try MSFS2024 know the answer to these questions, they had very little time to try all the stuff, so I guess most of them just did a bit of everything, not going deeper into any corner of the new sim.

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You’ve probably read this info from the 19 Sept Dev Blog, but this is as close to any information I’ve found on you question about buying new planes in Career Mode:
“Performance for these missions is evaluated by several factors like following ATC instructions, taxi paths, and flight parameters. Completing these missions successfully nets you credits and reputation, which you can then use to save up and buy your own plane and eventually manage your own fleet.”

Once you have earned enough money to run your business with your personally-owned aircraft, a new phase in MSFS 2024 opens in which you’ll be directly responsible for your aircraft; every landing, every bump on the runway, is going to impact the warranty of your planes, affecting the cost to keep them maintained. Effectively, MSFS 2024 includes a management sim inside the wider flight sim.

“This is basically the management of your fleet,” Dedeine elaborates, “because you will buy more planes at some point to allow you to engage in a different type of activity. Maybe you want to buy your own airliners and expand your fleet across the world.
End Quote

So pretty limited information about that area. You will earn credits/rep inside career mode, and I suspect the rewards will increase significantly as you move toward the ATP, otherwise you’d be forever trying to buy an airliner for a business you want to run! I’m really hoping one of the Discovery Series covers more of the aspects of the career mode, or one of the invitees got more info on that area and posts it at some point.
All good points that need a lot of clarification.

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My guess at this point about the lack of CFI/CFII is that there aren’t any missions that reflect that career path, so they’ll need to add some missions before they could make that career path worthwhile in the sim.
If they come out with shared cockpit then it will be interesting if they add a CFI/CFII career path (in addition to free flight shared cockpits).

I’d love to know if 3rd party aircraft can be used in career mode and liveries too.
I mean if we are encouraged to start our own airline companies surely we have a large set of aircraft and liveries to choose from including current real world liveries

According to the official FAQ, it’s up to the aircraft developer.


Jorg specifically said that what’s in on day one is just a taste of what’s too come. Part of the reason being, well, more needs more man hours of coding, but, more importantly, he said they limited it as well because they want to hear back from the community before they go too far down any particular path.

Edit: I only just looked at the license path… in real life I have my PPL w/High Performance rating, obtained in 1996. I used FS95 to help with my training and it was really helpful. I’m so psyched to see training and licensing for the tail wheel, I’m going to assume floatplane, turbine and jet etc ratings. Someday I want to really get my tail wheel and float ratings, and maybe even IFR, so all these tracks I see as really cool way to introduce what I’m going to have to learn.


This is what I would like to see…

There was the Orbx P-750 XSTOL that had skydiving, crop dusting, cargo, and passenger variants which last year I thought “Oh, that would give me lots of flexibility with the mission system” so I bought it specifically for that reason (well, also they said there were going to be bush trips for it too, which were never released).

So it would be nice to be able to use additional aircraft, especially since I bought this one aircraft just for mission flexibility.


Is Career Mode released yet? I can’t find it through the menus. I’m using Steam version.