2024 Controls Interface Discussion

I think I may have figured out “Specific airplane name controls”

There is this button: “Control Listener” that appears to be, currently, non-op.

What I believe will happen is you would click that, which allows the controls config to “listen” for an input from that peripheral.

Then, you go back to the aircraft and locate a control you want to map that to.

In the case of the Dornier Seastar, there are these specific water thruster controls for dockside maneuvering. You’d use the hardware listener to assign a command to these controls. They would, then, be stored in the “Specific Seastar Controls” profile.

It looks to me, for now, that this isn’t fully implemented and will be in the future.

Naturally, I could have this wrong, but it seems to be what makes the most sense given what I’ve learned spending the last couple of days with the controls configuration interface.