2024 - Pilot active outside the Cockpit - Interactive walk around


Whether or not it’s currently planned, the more we keep discussing it, the more likely it will happen. Continue to think:

  • A2A’s Commanche Preview video (And Ant’s work on the Tiger Moth preceding that)
  • A Plague’s Tale - This won’t be (see the positive affirmation there? :slight_smile: ) Asobo’s first rodeo with Avatars
  • All the humans we saw interacting in the 2024 Teaser…

Positive thinking… Positive thinking… Tell 'em what we want!

Both Jorg and Seb were on the floor listening to people, plus multiple MSFS Customer interaction folk taking notes. They are listening, and they keep saying, and showing, they are listening.

This feature is an obvious next generation step… Let’s make it real!


This is a fundamental principle of multiplayer gaming, as soon as you separate the avatar from the vehicle, then you have a potential ownership conflict.

It’s easily remidied though as MSFS can simple designate user aircraft as non-shared entities unless a player invites another player into there party and then it’s fair game, you could take off your friends helicopter and leave them stranded on an island somwhere. :grinning:

Avatars is one thing though, but true shared cockpit experiences is something else, but how wonderful would that be if you could actually board 737NG Driver or Q8Pilot’s plane, or even a maiden voyage from a developer for a new plane as a passenger and let them take us for a tour around a location with a working intercom system giving a commentary… and a button to call for drinks, with a video of them streaming the event to the monitor on the back of your seat…

I’m getting a bit carried away but if Asobo add the foundations, this truely will open up the sim to 3rd party developers who could have an absolute feel day!

No you’re not.

All the technology required exists for the security required. For the multiplayer interaction at the moment, not so much… maybe. For the Avatars it’s definitely there, I’m talking about the cockpit interaction piece. But they’ve been working hard at it, and it worked in FSX.

At this point, it’s our job to set forth our vision for what we want, not to worry about whether or not they can do it or how.

I’m not sure what 3rd parties have to do with it? This functionality should be native.

The storyboarding / how we retain the ability to just do what we want vs the typical story type game, I’m not a gamer so I’m don’t know the issues around that, but, I’ve watched my kids play, I don’t forsee any issues in that.

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This is really clever from A2A. :clap:

They would have used the internal mode with the exterior aircraft model to make it interactable. Hopefully we’ll get aircraft interactions in FS2024 directly with the exterior mode. I have a feeling we will.

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