2024 - Pilot active outside the Cockpit - Interactive walk around

Of all the new feature hinted at in the 2024 promo Video, this is one that I find the most interesting – to be able to have the pilot interact with object outside of the cockpit, – which might imply that at last pilots can do an Interactive walk around and interact with the outside of their aircraft – something that has not been possible so far in 2020.

Will be great to see this feature be added to 2024

(Clickable and interactive areas on the Exterior model )


This may just be “cinematic magic” and directly filmed/setup in such a way to invoke a story and attention to detail. That said, as a developer who constantly makes interactive goodies outside of the aircraft, I deeply wish for a walkaround feature. An “Avatar Mode” is something I would absolutely love to see. If this was just a cinematic gimmick, I hope Asobo reads our comments and really considers this. I think it would be wonderful for the flight simulator community.

While they are at it, PLEASE add clickable functionality to external camera so developers don’t have to get overly creative with the camera system to open outside cargo doors. Would be nice to walk around and click doors versus using a EFB or wonky keyboard slew for everything. But if “Avatar Mode” isn’t planned, at least let me click stuff in external view.


100% agree – If other Flight Sims (whose name cannot be mentioned) can do it, surely Microsoft in 2024 should be able to as well.



I’m certainly hoping we get this in 2024. Based on the trailer I’m be disappointed if we don’t.

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This is the next step in immersion. I say bring walking outside planes, it would be perfect for bush trips with camping equipment.

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I would like to see it. Be able to walk around the aircraft & actually interact with it etc. FSRealistic’s version whilst fairly decent was clearly hampered by the SDK & could only do so in a much lower resolution & in a third party app.

Jorg spoke about it some time last year & stated that it was something he wanted to bring. Personally i think the shots from the trailer are cinematic cutscenes from the missions (which is great) but hopefully we’ll get a first person walk-around option in the sim.

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Having a co-pilot, and being able to walk around inside the plane and even sitting down, now that would be true next gen immersion

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Preflight inspection is a major part of aviation. It should absolutely be included in some form.


This is doable today (see Ant’s Tiger Moth), though, you’re right, in that case you’re really interacting with the interior model.

There was quite a bit of discussion, however, about click spots on devsupport, and, I could totally see them finally adding it to exterior model for 2024. This may be one of the features that is 2024 only to get people to switch. Or, maybe they’ll let it go back to 2020.

As someone else noted, he thinks 2024 is going to be a free upgrade for existing users. I’m not sure I believe that, but it could be, or, maybe just a discount.

So, too respond to your statement, Yep! Me, too! this is the most exciting aspect I see in the sim, too! :smiley:

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This feature also seems to be on the Dune trailer for FS2020 later this year. Hopefully something to come for this sim!

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Seeing the attention to detail on the A2A Comanche walk-around & it’s interactions just makes me want this feature even more. It should at least be on all applicable default asobo aircraft with a seamless 1st person camera (not just fixed cameras like in the video). Would add a much greater sense of immersion & add an extra level of simulation.


Just wow to that simulation, can’t wait! And we get that in 2020, but proper walking around would be even better.


Interactive walkarounds would be really cool. Would also be nice to be able to walk around the airfield a bit as well and check out some things. Although we’ll be wandering dangerously into walking simulator territory here, although that wouldn’t be a bad idea. Microsoft Hiking Simulator :wink: I imagine that if they do allow walkarounds you’ll be tied to the plane model so you can’t wander off too far though.

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My immediate though when I read this, was the danger of allowing pilots to wander a around within the sim, and interact with other pilots planes - the ultimate being, to be able to enter another plane, and take over its controls ( a version of “Shared l Cockpit”).
One could imagine that while “technically” possible, this would not be something to be included or encouraged in MSFS.

However, such action WAS actually possible in FSX, if a plane owner left his plane in the mode where anyone could “Share” their plane, without first asking & gaining permission.

One could leave their “unlocked” plane parked, and then come back later, and find someone else flying it !!!


I see opportunity in that! First, make it a toggle - “only user may interact with plane - on/off”

But imagine the scenarios we could do - leave a plane at an unknown, remote strip, in marginally airworthy condition, here’s the map grid where it’s at, it’s your job to find it and fly it home.

Or add an ELT triangulation game

Or just do an episode of airplane repo.

Edit: ooh, relay races!

Imagine some of the things they could potentially do with 2024 down the road.

With the addition of cars and boats in the sim you could leave your house, get in the car, drive to the airport, get out walk to the hangar/airport/plane, then do a walkaround, jump into your plane, go fly somewhere land park get out walk to a waiting boat. car, limo etc… then drive off… haha

I think the trailer showed more of a programmed camera view instead of a full walking sim. But I do think they should add something like a walkaround mode which can be as simple as a constraint on the drone camera height and speed.

As Jonx mentioned upthread, what we really need is interactive mouse click spots in this ‘walkaround’ view.


This. So much this. I loved all the people complaining about the turbulence being “too much” in the sim. Yes, what he showed is light turbulence. Turbulence in a light plane can get pretty uncomfortable. I avoid flying on those days.

I loved everything he said. So cool.

I don’t see any reason to limit where pilots can walk outside the plane in the sim. They don’t limit you today, why limit it in the future? As far as security is concerned, that’s simple and was in FSX. You had to be pretty dumb to leave shared public turned on in FSX. In fact, I very rarely flew in public servers. It was pretty much always a private, well controlled/moderated server.

I sure hope they add clickspots in the external model in at least 2024…and hope they bring it to 2020.

I was surprised to find out he flies not too far from where I do.


Like FS-MP !! :wink: (the good old days)

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Please note this video shows an X-Plane plugin… None of X-Plane, DCS World, P3D or Aerofly (remember that sim) support native walk around. MSFS also has a plugin - in the form of FS Realistic Pro, but it’s rudamentary at best.

Now that we’ve got that out the way, I’m absolutely pumped for a native walkaround feature for MSFS 2024. We don’t know if it’s a feature as the trailer could just be showing cinamatics but it certainly would open up the sim for third party developers to interact with there aircraft.

If few things MSFS and Asobo have mentioned which could give clues to the feature being included.

  1. Wear and tear (confirmed)
  2. Career missions (confirmed)
  3. Future shared cockpit experiences (highly desired by the community)

These for me demand an avatar to be present, but the main reason being for me it opens up new interactivety with aircraft especially given that developers are adding more and more persistence and failures into planes - this is the next logical step - not just flying but also doing things in the right way as to maintain good habits to well stay in the air, please check out the A2A video from FS Expo for the Comanche and you’ll know what I mean.

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