2024 supports win10, but support ends a year later

Interesting choice to support an OS that Microsoft want people out of asap. Win10 support ends 2025. More interesting to support Series S which currently struggles with high VRAM situations in the existing 2020 version. Im curious if Series S will only be supported via a cloud version rather than running it natively.

This Asobo choice is incredible.
Time completely wrong.

Where does it say 2024 will support W10?

Literally on their front page:

Quote: „ Available day one on Xbox Game Pass, PC Game Pass, Xbox Cloud Gaming, Windows 10/11, and Steam.“

Phew… otherwise it would have meant „game over“ for me and my Mac (that can‘t officially run Windows 11, despite having an Intel CPU from 2020 ;))

Ah thanks, missed that.

Not hard on current worm-food hardware since the redesigned the architecture. A decade back when I was getting my degree, one of my classes was in a Mac lab. The boxes were set up with triple boot - Win 7, Apple, and Ubuntu.

win 10 is still ran by more than 2\3 of users, when the support ends, upgrading to win 11 takes 15 mins max.

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15 minutes, but much longer for the many out there who’s pc / laptop doesn’t support Windows 11!


only the TPM and the processor generation maybe an obstacle, but anyway this have more advantages than the disadvantages. always there is a sweet deals for a renewal for hardware.

There can’t be too many PCs old enough that they won’t run Windows 11 yet powerful enough to run MSFS.

Even so, Windows won’t stop running when they stop supporting it. You will just stop getting updates.


But please don´t force FS2024 users to use Win11, I am too lazy to install new operating systems :smiley:

Mac user here. My iMac 2020 won‘t run Windows 11.

So thanks for continued Windows 10 support, MS/Asobo! :wink:

I’ve got an eight-physical-core xeon cpu with 64Gb RAM, powerful enough for me (and for FS2020), but not secure enough for Windows 11.

Many others are in the same boat, so I don’t think Asobo would risk dropping Windows 10 compliance.

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Nearly 60% of gamers are on Windows 10. Steam Hardware & Software Survey

Win11 is a halfstep OS likely to be skipped by many, if not most. As ME was skipped, as Vista was skipped, as 8 was skipped, so too will 11.
Win12 is rumored to be due in 2024. Everything will head that direction, as with so many other half-step OSes, Win10 users will likely skip over 11.

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I found 11 infuriating so I’ll stick to 10 until a better one comes out.

And I’m still irritated about 10 not being the last.

I stopped throwing Windows 7 parties after that.

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I wonder if the XBox Series S can support the multithreading they’ve been talking about for FS2024? Pity that such a limited system is being considered for support. We can only hope that they manage to design the sim so that more powerful systems aren’t held back by it.

My guess is that MS don’t want to fragment the XBox store with devices that do/do not support an app.