This is our weekly thread to report that live weather is once again down. Really? Are we gonna have to start this thread every weekend? Asobo? Microsoft? Hello?
Sim won’t even load for me, just stuck on blue loading bar for over 5 mins (usual start for me takes 1-2 mins)
Hello @lironlironliron,
Live Weather appears to be functioning normally for me as of 12:30am PT (0730Z) on September 24. The METAR is reporting rain and overcast at KIAD which is exactly the conditions I’m seeing in the sim with Live Weather enabled.
It seems to come and go. I had this problem last night too, but a couple hours later it was working (testing on the same airport).
Yes, multiple reports of intermittent weather issues during the past 48hours in this thread:
I got my sim to load after a restart and weather loaded ok
Yep I had incredibly unlikely clear blue skies landing and taking off at Isle of Skerries. Current weather is a LOT of rain (I imagine that’s not unusual there…)
same here , wind in cruise again 225/3 knots and no clouds…when this ever gonna stop ??
It’s partially working, there are clouds but not wind and proper QNH. This is ridiculous why does this happen every week?
I’ve had better luck Sunday. Weather loading ok for me.
No live weather for me now. Anybody have the same issue?
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