Flew to 2NCO - Mountain AIr in North Carolina. It’s a very high end living community with an extremely short and high runway overlooking Mount Mitchell State Park. At 4,432 feet elevation, most pistons are going to have a tough time landing and taking off here. Even the JT-A with it’s responsive turbo-diesel was feeling a bit iffy on approach, I had to pull a lot of power off and even then, I barely stopped. Beautiful place though. Use matermate’s Mod from Flightsim.to; even though s/he hasn’t confirmed SU7 compatibility, it works as you can see below:
The nice thing about this airport is you actually have two freeware to choose from. The other is confirmed to work with SU7 (though as you’ve mentioned, the one you used works as well) 2NC0 - Mountain Air Airport (Burnsville, North Carolina) » Microsoft Flight Simulator
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Nice. The reason I couldn’t find Windhover’s is I did a search on 2NCO (Oscar) not Zero. And matermate apparently titled it the same way.
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Very nice. I have seen Pilot’s also have a version coming: https://fsnews.eu/pilots-mountain-air-airport-almost-complete-msfs/