3 monitor setup MSFS 2020

My system detail specs are in my about me profile.
I am aware MSFS 2020 does not natively support 3 monitors. However, several users are stretching the windows or using SRWE. I have not been successful in figuring out either. Has anyone had success in making this work?

I am using a EVGA RTX 3070 GPU connected by the display ports to 3 Samsung 55inch TU 7000 Tv’s I just purchased. I have them setup on the Next Level Racing triple monitor setup and my computer system will support this setup. I will upgrade to the 3090 when they become more readily available.

Any suggestions or links on getting this to work would be greatly appreciated as I am Googled and You Tubed exhausted.

I am simply looking for a better FOV naturally. Thank you for you time and your positive thoughts

nVidea Surround will work, but it’s less than ideal at this point.

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Yes unfortunately the best you get right now is a stretched out regular screen where your edge panels are just there for added color not for looking at.


Development for proper multi monitor support has started, according to the last development update.

Might be a while until it’s available, though. Until that time, not too much you can do except nvidia Surround. Which is indeed suboptimal.

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I have 3 x 40" TV’s, I just run MSFS in Windowed mode and grab the edges and stretch them out to cover the outside monitors. It’s stretched at the edges but looks better than just one monitor.


So here is an update everyone. I did get the Nvidia surround to work and at best it is awful. See the picture and while flyable, it is similar to FS98 in reality when flying.

Not really flyable in my opinion and the realism and scenery takes a huge hit compared to running everything in Ultra with 1 monitor.

So here is a question for those of us on this thread. Is there a mb that would support 3 RTX 3070’s and if so, would the system be able to run Ultra at 45-50 frames a second?

I am running a Asus Roc XIII Extreme MB and it will not support 3 RTX 3070’s I don’t think?
My CPU is a 11th generation I7 11700k @3.6
Memory/ram is Crucial 3200 or 3600 at 32GB X 2 or 64GB total.
MB supports 128GB or 4 32GB sticks.

I built the system last fall.

So back to the drawing board ya and I would still not have the side views for landing even with 3 cards. Just maybe better

scenery. Lol
Maybe VR was the way to go. Is the FOV actually that much better in VR?

I think you need to wait an see what Asobo comes up with for a multimonitor solution. My only experience with it was with xPlane that has a great way to set up multi-monitors, but at a cost. Each of the monitors had to run on a separate instance of the app, which at the time was a massive resource hog. While I preferred the 3-monitor setup, I switched to an ultra-wide because of the performance issues. Now with MSFS, there is no multi option for now and the ultrawide does OK, but suffers from some of the distortion you are seeing at the edges.

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Yeah you aren’t going to get a desirable view in a “box format” it’s best to set up in a flat view or mild angle
you can get pretty but not p[erfect.

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Only problems you will get by doing this 3 monitor setup is bad fps drop in result serious stutter with the graphics card your running best option ultra wide monitor which come with 3 hdmi ports behind the screen hope this helps

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First of all, line up your monitors different more like this,

Then on screen make the edges slide and bottom in windowed mode in a little bit, say 3 inches or so.

Then in general options set texture resolution back to medium.and scale all else down 1 or 2 notches
(Dont worry you can upscle later), when fps is fast enough see how far you can go with upscalling but use texture resolution for the last to upscale and make sure to turn all others back to lower, then restart when you have done so to keep it up clean and mostly uncompromised.
Than redo upscaling again until satisfied so as i say sleep and repeat until it is at your liking and your Cpu and gpu fans are blowing to keep it all cool.

And restart the sim (it says on the side screen in general options)

It should look something like this.

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How to setup like this i recorded a video in youtube
With this you stil benefit windshield like raindrop
Apply rudder left and apply aileron right to feel free like a bird

There are no sounds but view set and experience

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You need to adjust your camera zoom to a level that is representative of the actual field of view in degrees of your 3 monitors. It wont be perfect but a lot better.

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By the look at how massively large the gauges are in external view, I’m guessing the in-game resolution is not set the same as your nvidia surround resolution?


Thank you and I will check that out.

Thank you and I will check the camera zoom.

As previously stated. The stretched HUD is a sign your resolution is set wrongly. Set the in game resolution to the native resolution of all 3 monitors combined (or a factor 0.5 of that)

This + zooming out should get you an acceptable image for the time being

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I have read before that se.people succeed running widefs with multiple instances of fs2020 as outside views with custom camera view.

The specific one I read was a guy running fax as core with his favorite add on and cockpit and running 3x fa2020 (each on its own machine and monitor), all connected via widefs. Apparently, Fsx and fs2020 work together via widefs, especially as fsx as master and fs2020 as slave.

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I changed the settings from the recommended 12000 plus to 5760 x 1080 and the view became better as you mentioned.
This still doesn’t give me the FOV I was seeking for realistic views out the side window’s unfortunately.

We r

eally need the side views to practice soft field landings.
This needs to be an option even if we have to pay for it, as I gladly would.
Thanks for everyone’s comments.