35fps max Any plane on Ultra 4K with Rtx 3080 + I9 10900KF

So I try but nothing happend :confused:

OK, that 312-315W is ok if you have not raised your powerlimit as it is close to the default powerlimit of the 3080 wich is 320W. So your card is ok.

Try to softly reduce some parameters fom ultra to high, start with the post processing ones like bloom, lens flare and so until you get an good balance between cpu load and gpu load.

Terrain LOD and buildings loads high on gpu and cpu, Objekt LOD and texture synth loads high on cpu, all the rest is primarily gpu related.

But impact is usualy small between high and ultra, somewhere in between 0,2 fps for bloom or dof up to 3,7fps for terrain shadows.

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Thx you I will try.

Little addition.

Here is a good comparison for the 3080 cards around.

As you will see your card is entry level and set and limited to 320W powerlimit by its bios. So there are no options for OC in fact. You should look and learn about undervolting techniques for better frame rate and consistency. Or beeing happy with what you have.

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What did you exactly try. I have a 3080 (although slightly different spec) and I have undervolted to fix at 900mV and 1925mhz. Gained about 2-5fps and draws no more than 270 watts

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soon as I can I will try this OC. Thx

Try to deactivate the Traffic. Worked for me.
Look at this Thread:

scroll down to my settings. Hope it helps.
For information:
I would never overclock anything on the power supply or on the hardware. No way. If the PC is factory-set to OC, … ok. But never do it yourself if you don’t really know what you’re doing. especially not the RTX3080 which already has enough power for all current games

Just to be clear, I’m recommending he undervolts his 3080 for that very reason, not an overclock.

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