35fps max Any plane on Ultra 4K with Rtx 3080 + I9 10900KF

Hi everyone,

I can’t figure it out why I cant have more fps with my configuration.
I see now that I am limited by GPU (before it was limited by the mainthread).

At any altitude, any planes, any condition, any big or little airport, my fps won’t pass 35fps.
I run windows 10 + RTX 3080 + I9 10900KF (overclock with dragoncenter) + SSD + 32Go-2999

The render scaling is at 100%.Terrain at 200. Traffic ultra (but dont change a lot the fps). Live meteo or clear sky work the same.

I don’t want a big fps rate but I don’t understand why it is stuck at any situation and why it says I am limited by GPU.
Did I do something wrong ?

Thx for your help

What size power supply do you have? Because on Nvidia’s website it recommends minimum 750watt power supply for a 3080.

it’s 4K, it’s a lot for the GPU to handle.
If you want higher FPS, you’ll either need to overclock the card further (not recommended due to stability issues), or drop graphics settings.
It’s pretty normal to have that FPS at 4K. If your experience is enjoyable and smooth, don’t worry about it.

@DORRAGER if his power supply was inadequate it would simply crash, not cause lower framerates.

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It’s a 750 W

If I drop, the result is not much better.
Near 40-50 fps. So I let 4K with 35fps.
But I saw that some people can have better results.
I shouldn’t be at 35fps at FL330 near nothing, isn’t it?

Why shouldn’t it be? If the sim is reporting to you that you’re limited by the GPU, then that is what’s happening. 4K is a lot of workload. You might see some more FPS if you dropped the cloud settings maybe, but again; if you’re enjoying the experience, it’s smooth, and it looks great: just stop looking at the FPS counter, and just enjoy the sim.


3080 can be a beast to tame. Seems that the power limit is to low so your card dont go above 290W/82% load.
Temp is allready high for just 82% load.

Similiar behaviour here for example, his 3080 is also limited to around 280W by (probably) bad installation of the thermal pads…

So wich 3080 it is?
Do you have an oc-tool running (afterburner, EVGA PX1…)?
Do you reach the theoretical power limit of the card (i.e. 320W-370W for the FE) with benchmark tools like superposition or 3Dmark?

Should not be because I found some people have better rate. The fact is that the fps rate are going done each day, and sometimes it’s really not smooth.

It’s a MSI ventus x3 3080 10Go.
I try to overclocker with afterburner but it drop the fps.
So I just use the msi dragon center to overclock a little. But nothing really crazy.

Have you moved the power slider on afterburner up when overclocking?

The power slider is stuck to 100. I can’t go further. :confused:

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Try undervolting your 3080…sounds counterintuitive but results seem to improve FPS and stability, whilst also reducing power consumption.

I will try. I will see.

Power supply - Bigger the better …

ie While a VW Beatle can get you from NY to LA, the trip would be a lot better in a Porche.

Thermal paste – worth re-seating with the best thermal paste you can get.
(more is not better !!)

Cooling – the cooler the better… No substitution for water cooling.

Does you FPS decrease over time, and if you pause for a time, back on the menu page, is your FPS higher when you 1st go back ?.. (ie Thermal issues)

Getting good performance is more than just throwing a whole bunch of money at the problem, although BIG BUCK can help a lot !!

It is a computer all in one by MSI.
Water coming is set plus two fans inside.
The fps seams not to drop when I resume the game.
Near heavy place like CDG LFPG near Paris France, the fps are going to sleep.

Can you run superposition and watch the sensors with GPU-Z to see what powerlimit/max-load the card reaches then?

How much ram do you have?

32Go ram on 2999

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I ran it but witch sensor mention should I report please?

Board power draw at 312-315 W max