3rd party Airport and Default Asbo airport showing through!?

I have Popham and Thurton airports by Burning blue design and the default Asbo airports bleed through!
You can see the flat airplanes and cars around the airport.
If it was a bespoke airport I know you can delete it from content manager but these are default airports

Thats not the default showing through technically. Its actually the photo scenery. It looks as though your 3rd party airport haven’t done a custom scenery “tile” or it hasn’t installed the tile properly. You’d need to go back to burning blue and ask them.


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But it has been fine before just recently has it started doing this.

Understood, but it seems either the exclude or the custom tile has gone missing. It might be worth checking to see if there is an update on the burning blue website, or better still, just delete the version you have and re-download and reinstall from their website (regardless of whether or not its the same version). Have they got back to you yet?