3rd party apps architecture diagram

With all of the 3rd party apps and a couple of different ways they communicate with Flight Simulator, etc. I was having trouble visualizing how everything connects and talks to everything else. So I created this diagram to help me. Posting it here in case it helps anyone else. No guarantee it’s absolutely correct, but if I get feedback or corrections I will certainly fix it.

8/13/22 - Made some modifications based on comments.


Thanks. I’ve often wondered how all these APIs connect. I don’t understand why more add-ons don’t just use Simconnect directly? What is gained by adding another intermediate API? It’s one reason why I like Axis and Ohs.… I’m now trying to use only Axis and Ohs to streamline things. (Shouldn’t you have a box with hardware feeding into SPAD and AaOs to be more correct?).

How does hardware interface to the sim that just uses the built in control options settings?

Why is SPAD with Little Navmap and Neofly?
SPAD also connects with Streamdeck and other devices, similar to Axis and Ohs and can use FSUIPC as well as SimConnect.
FSUIPC is an alternative connection protocol to SimConnect rather than a client.

I put SPAD.Next/Neofly/LittleNavMap together just to save a little space and I thought they all only connected to Simconnect. Also reduces the number of lines. I’ll check into SPAD connecting to FSUIPC - I did not know about that.

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Often APIs are layered with each layer adding or combining functionality.

I’ll look into adding more info on hardware, but I don’t know much about software to hardware communications.