3rd party flight planners

what update is preventing msfs 2020 from using imported flight plans from either little nav map or plan-g.

Might be a silly question, but do you try to open a lnmpln-file as flightplan or do you export as MSFS2020 PLN file? I have no problems with Little Navmap (currently on a flight generated by Simbrief, exported as PLN using LNM).

I always export it toa pln. After I load it and it goes to the world menu that is when it locks up the mouse will highlight the various buttons, but nothing happens. You cannot even zoom in or out. I even did a complete install with no success.

One thing that comes to my mind is that your Navmap-database is outdated. Whenever an update is distributed to the sim, I run the scenery indexer.
Another thing might be having any GUI-changing addons installed (e.g. no-handlebar). Maybe rename your Community folder and try if it works then.

Well I figured out that I had a bad Windows install. After reinstalling Windows I was able to import *.pln into Flight Sim. I was able to get 3 flights without any freezing after they loaded and before pressing the Fly button. Today I get a mandatory update and now I have the same problem. Flight Sim freezes after loading a *.pln and nothing in the world screen will work. Also, the only way to get into this forum is on my laptop, as trying to log into my forum account on my desktop requires me to create a new login account but it will not let me as my e-mail address is in use. Maybe one of the administrators could figure this out.