so this is one of those topics that can be debated until the end of time. In the end, i feel that it’s completely subjective to the user. I’ve heard it both ways that dual channel (2 slots) is better performing over single channel (4 slots) and vice versa. However as the video you posted suggests it depends on the memory and if the motherboard can read the memory configuration correctly
In my experience, brand and speeds have an impact on memory performance more than 2 sticks over 4 sticks. Ive been using 4 slots since i upgraded the memory to 32gb specifically for MSFS2020 and i’ve noticed a general improvement across the board (even arma runs at the awesome speed of 50fps in heavy engagements. Keep in mind, Arma 3 only runs on MAYBE 2 cores and performance dependend on single core speeds, memory clock and if you have an SSD/NVME or not, just for reference)
I haven’t noticed any microstutters or there are microstutters, but they are subtle enough that i don’t notice them (res 2560x1440 Virtual Super Resolution @ 75hz). Personally, most of my performance hits are due to more “traditional” reasons such as too many AI aircraft at a HQ airport in Salty’s 747 with all the ground vehicles turned on. Those are due to CPU limitations, not so much memory configuration.
That said, the exact science behind how RAM works is so above my head. I know enough that you need to have all your memory sticks be the same lol
Agreed. I see it these days as computers generate heat and heat is bad. So 32gig of ram divided by 4 has to better working, than 32gig divided by 2. Things get hot the harder they work!
low capacity can be found with better tech characteristics and even with same - 4 better, but if you have yet 2 is not worth to change it, you will not get any significant gain, but for future, better choice more with less capacity and better tc, sure it’s work not in all range, as you will not found old day 4gb faster than 8gb, but you can found 8gb faster than 16, in future i guess better take 4x16 than 2x32 or 4x32 better than 2x64… your stutters not because of your ram config that’s for sure… stutters is problem of lack of ram and not very stable system(it can be bad overclock or just bad stable even with stock config) stutters can be of causes like bad optimization scenery, video driver, not balanced system with any bottleneck except gpu, in other words, only gpu bottleneck is normal for any games, so that’s why in some situation you need use fps limitation if cpu/ram/ipc overloading with the video card
sorry? how the heck 4 slots can stay with single channel? every even slots will works at double at double ipc system, multiple of four as quad channel at quad ipc etc. game tests show 4 slots will better than two with same common capacity… and for sure in both case it will double channel, actually i can not imagine single channel ram working today, and don’t know what do you have to do for ram work as single channel, must be only if use one or 3 slots(if chipset can not work as triple channel)
Note that it’s not really about 2 vs 4 memory modules, but single vs dual rank memory.
They are only equivalent if you have single-rank RAM memory sticks, and dual rank is fairly common these days, especially for 16 GB sticks, so if you have 2x16 GB you may well have dual rank and the performance boost DR gives you.
I have 2x16 Dual Rank Gskills 3200mhz with CL14 working Dual Channel. (MSI XPower Titanium Z170 Board)
No problems except Low FPS (@Ultra or @High depending on location i am flying which is normal considering the age of my system.)
Idea of 4 Ram sticks working together became fancy again after AMD released Zen3s. Some tests showed more performance
My personal opinion (which noone cares ) no needed unless you are upgrading for a brand new system which uses Zen3 high end CPU like 5900x or 5950x