40% of users experiencing CTDs

I was curious how prevalent the CTD issue is and started a poll on the flightsim subreddit. The sample size of 200 is small but representative of the truth in my opinion. I really hope SU7 addresses this major issue. It’s been present since SU5 and is the most frustrating software problem I’ve ever encountered.

So what are the 60% doing differently?

I would have to assume (which may bite me) that we all get the same code from MS. What’s different on the local PC of those 40% that are causing the crashes?.


My guess is nothing. Asobo code works on 60% of systems and doesn’t on 40%. It’s happening to XBox users too.


No overclock of anything, nor manufacture build in overclock (CPU GPU RAM Boards)?
data mining the MS crash database is needed to begin with
Since FSX, milking all of windows performance including in-house shortcuts in the coding …


Thousands of users have been troubleshooting for months trying to find the magic snake oil solution, but it can only come when Asobo fix the issue.


It is the Asobo code quite often. Case in point is the bug in SU6 where if you flew near Washington DC, it CTD. Maybe only 40% of people fly there.


But all X-Box (for a given model) are identical ??

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Exactly, the X-Box’s are the same, but the most significant difference that accounts for different CTD experiences, MAY be where you fly.

Unfortunately, in the case of Washington DC ( Andrews), X-Box users do not have the ability to temporarily deleted the offending files, – an option that PC users do have.

This says everything. I shudder to think how many hours have been wasted trying to find a workaround.

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IMO, there are too many variables at play to determine the causes of CTD from casual observation or anecdotal data. What I mean is; plane flown, use of autopilot, ascending or descending, 3rd party AC, LOD’s, add-on sceneries, weather, location, livery, Windows update status…the list goes on.

If MS/Asobo would incorporate a very detailed crash report that showed all those variables at time of crash, then we could embark on the path of finding the common denominators in those crashes. Until then, we are just guessing.


Asobo’s code sometimes being very frail with insufficient exception handling?

I wish they some day consider to introduce some sort of meaningful and automated crash report rather than asking users to post random and generic 0x…005 dumps in zendesk.


They mentioned in a dev Q&A that they can see causes for CTDs. It would be nice if we could have proper crash reports that can be easily submitted though. It would certainly make troubleshooting a lot easier.

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The Andrews CTD was solved (work around found) in record breaking time (less than 48 hours) by a joint Forum Community effort.

What was the solution?

Temporary solution is to delete (rename)


The issue is reported to have been fixed by Asobo for SU6

Am I correct in saying that .cgl files are scenery related?

My CTD’s seem to always happen in the same sequence. I usually start hot on a runway or taxiway. I configure the aircraft for departure and begin my flight, on short haul flights I have no issues. On long haul flights (4-6 hours long) as I approach destination and prepare for arrival I hear a stutter in the sound of my engine and then suffer an immediate CTD. It “feels” like a GPU driver issue but I haven’t been able to track it down by using other drivers or changing my in-game graphics settings. I’ve tried running the sim with live traffic, live players and live weather turned OFF but I have the same fatal results. This has only been an issue for me for about 3 weeks now. I have a very capable rig with 32GB ram and a RTX3080 GPU.

If 40% of us are suffering CTD’s shouldn’t this be the NUMBER ONE PRIORITY of Microsoft/Asobo to address?

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It is the number one bug in the feedback snapshot but still remains unfixed after three months. So they are either struggling to fix it or don’t care about it. I don’t know which is worse.


I have moved this to General Discussion. A bug report has steps to reproduce the issue and CTDs could be from any number of root causes.

I also want to point out that this is not a scientific poll where people are sampled randomly. It is very likely that those who have CTDs would be more drawn to answer this question, in order to draw attention to the issue, than those who do not.

I am not saying any of this to minimize your issue, though. When you are experiencing CTDs, it can be extremely frustrating, and I understand that. If you have a specific bug, please search for it in the CTDs subcategory, and if you cannot find it, create your own with what you are doing when it happens, the state of any add-ons, peripherals, and other hardware. (Using the bug template would be best.)


I don’t purchase 3rd party add ons. Recently had a number of CTD and low and behold updated my NVidia driver and made sure Windows was updated and the CTD stopped.