4090 + 12900K a good match for 3440x1440? I really want to avoid buying the 13900K if I can help it

I would love to play this game stutter free with all the graphics turned up, but I am not sure if my CPU will be able to handle the game at 3440x1440. I know my graphics should handle the game well, but will the rest of it be okay?

I also have I think 32GB of 5600mhz ram which I hope will be enough. I just want a stutter free, smooth experience where I can admire the graphics and take some amazing looking screenshots.

I run 13700 with 4090 and ddr5 5600. runs amazing

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But that is a much faster processor to the one I have

sure 12900 will do the job :ok_hand:

I run a dedicated PC for MSFS and run it at 3840 x 2160 HDR on a 2080ti with an i9-10850K CPU.

Through some fine tuning I averge around 55fps out in the sticks dropping to 35 - 45fps in busy places, with the occasional stutter.

Doubt you can actually get stutter free because of how the game is architected with streaming of data. Throwing more kit at you PC does nothing to improve network conditions unfortunetly.

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If you are currently CPU limited, and you’re able to get over 30 FPS sim all situations, you’ll get 60+ using frame generation. I kept my processor (11900K) and kept the TLOD at around 100-125. Everything was incredibly smooth. The single most impressive hardware upgrade I’ve ever done was the 4090 & frame generation. If the setting is GPU heavy (clouds, ambient occlusion, shadows, reflections, etc) you can keep those on ultra with zero problems, and still have headroom on the 4090. The card is absolutely insane.

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