So I’m just curious about the 60 FPS game play frame rate.
That’s what it looks like when starting out, before selecting and engaging in flight. It fluctuates a little, as seen in the image, but it steadies out at 60 FPS.
However, during actual flight it trickles down to a steady rate of 30 FPS.
I’m running 2x EVGA (Nvidia) GTX-9700 in SLI, Intel I7 5960 Extreme CPU, Corsiar Water Cooling, 32 GigsDDR4, HD 7200RPM, and Monitor 1080P (more standard).
I read these articles and tried to tweak it out a bit, but I still yielded the same 30 FPS during game flight.
If the game is relatively smooth during flight, at 30 FPS, what would 60 FPS look like? Would I really be able to see or experience a difference anyway?
So, do I really need to achieve 60 FPS during flight then?
Here’s a sample video from a test flight near Innsbruck.