60 FPS During Gameplay?

So I’m just curious about the 60 FPS game play frame rate.

That’s what it looks like when starting out, before selecting and engaging in flight. It fluctuates a little, as seen in the image, but it steadies out at 60 FPS.

However, during actual flight it trickles down to a steady rate of 30 FPS.

I’m running 2x EVGA (Nvidia) GTX-9700 in SLI, Intel I7 5960 Extreme CPU, Corsiar Water Cooling, 32 GigsDDR4, HD 7200RPM, and Monitor 1080P (more standard).

I read these articles and tried to tweak it out a bit, but I still yielded the same 30 FPS during game flight.

If the game is relatively smooth during flight, at 30 FPS, what would 60 FPS look like? Would I really be able to see or experience a difference anyway?

So, do I really need to achieve 60 FPS during flight then?

Here’s a sample video from a test flight near Innsbruck.

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@ModeratorTeam suggest moving this out of Marketplace.

There are so many threads already about this, but the bottom line is you can’t run 60fps fluidly at any extreme setting level across the board. The hardware simply doesn’t exist to do it today.

The other consideration is 30fps fluidly in-flight would be the Mecca. If it looks good and feels good, then your answer is self-evident.

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