737-500 and the complete classic series on the way

This link is interesting in many ways…

A 737 classic series is finally on its way for msfs…
Albeit in the form of the least popular 737-500…
Not only that, they are looking to add the complete classic series that will be the very popular and globally reaching 737-300 and sorta in the same range as the 737-700, the 737-400…
They also mentioned that they will be including various configurations such as freighters…

Is various payment options such as effectively a “pay as you go” option as well as whay looks to be a rather steep “full payment” option…

The 2nd point is quite an interesting one considering many here have talked about a potential “pay as you go” option for addware in msfs, especially for those that have been left quite disappointed in poor products or especially in the form of airports and the once or twice you actually visit them… especially if you are doing a bit of a world tour or airline pilot flying… you only fly there once unless its your home country/town…

1st point…
It’s going to be quite exciting to finally be getting these globally popular but criminally forgotten aircraft in msfs that are, the very versatile 737 classics…
A great mix between enough anolog to keep the steam punk community happy but, just enough “magenta” to keep not only the magenta community happy but for those that love vatsim and especially in this world of the dying art and community of radial flying, as vast nav aids are being decommissioned…
These aircraft were equipped for very complex rnp approaches into the very difficult NZQN arrivals, so that will be greatly received by the now modern flying community…

A real pocket rocket that will be much received I bet… especially as the 737 brand has been quite “done” and a slight bit of fatigue setting in… that perfect balance of PFD and analog will be a refreshing balance…

Just hope Milviz come through with their slow paced development of the 737-200 and apart from the 30 odd built 100s… that would nicely wrap up and bookend the 737 family…

Yeah that pricing model is an absolute no-go for me.


The pricing model-pass!




No go with that high price. On the other hand, I think it was just a matter of time before monthly subscription arrive at MSFS. I wonder, but am happy, that MS did not go for that. Yes I know game pass option, but it is just an op

When Adobe switched to Lightroom subscription only, that was a happy day, for the owners. You make your decisions.


Enjoy your tiny audience, guys. Lordy. That’s one way to keep support costs down. 2015 is calling and it wants your product for P3D.

$120 is a bargain if you’re a real 737 pilot trying to keep current. But what an amazingly effective way to keep people who just fly MSFS for fun away from the product.

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Great to see a new developer again though! I love how MSFS has brought about all these new teams creating decent add-ons. Back 5 years ago I was jumping between XP and P3D with the same few add-on developers.

737-500 will be cool. I’m really hoping for the United battleship gray livery. Some nostalgic flights

If alarm bells weren’t going off and red flags waving before, they should be now

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thru the launcher? hmm, is this likely PC only? I guess wait and see, hope its on xbox too

I dunno, yeah, $120 is a lot for one model, but, if the addons are like $25 or $30 each for the other models, does that make it better? (I’m fully expecting they’ll charge $65 each, lol, but, just asking the question).

The fact they didn’t announce future plans and prices does kill it, though. But, maybe they don’t like having to support lots of users.

Oh please, PLEASE let this be good, I’ve been frothing at the mouth for a 737CL since FSX, 120 is something I will GLADLY pay for a CL. This news just made my entire year. YES.

Same, as an Xbox simmer and one who absolutely loves the old 737s if this doesn’t come to Xbox that’d be heart breaking for me

Lol I am pretty sure that this project will have zero sales. Who on earth with a little knowledge of how utterly bad realeases are would pay a dev with zero cred this amount of money?

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Will wait and see how this launches. Is it only for 2024? Hopefully it will come to 2020 as well
Probably alot of people still on 2020.

It comes to 2020 first! That’s what I saw in article.Sorry that was on their discord.

Love the 300, 400 would be fine… 500 is what the 600 was for pmdg… it should have been their lead in product…
We will see with the end product and… lets hope its not as money draining as what it looks like…

Will there be decently priced classic 737 in the market other than this overpriced product? I am not even mentioning monthly subscription nonsense.
I am glad that these kind of devs didn’t make the sim itself.

what is this subscription scheme for this item you are going to sell?