The PFD on the 747 is messed up. Altitude is out of it’s box towards the top and a bunch of symbols in the middle, Can’t say if this is since SU5 because I haven’t flown it in a while. No 747 add ons. Steam version on pc Any thoughts?
Hmm, very strange. I’ve not seen this myself.
Does this happen randomly at some point during the flight, or is it always like this when you load into the 747?
It’s like that on load up and the entire flight. Route never shows up in the nav display either.
In that case, a couple of things to check:
- Do you have any pending updates in the content manager (profile page of MSFS)?
- Do you have any 3rd party addons/mods/liveries installed? If so, try loading up the sim with an empty community folder to rule out them causing conflicts/issues
You could also try reinstalling the default 747 through the content manager if neither of these help.
Don’t know why I didn’t remember that. I’ve done it before. It was the Salty Sim 747 causing the problem. Thanks for the memory prod.