747 + Salty DISPLAYS GONE! ;)

Ummm… I took off a little while ago on a 1200 NM flight. Everything was fine until I switched to external camera, which I have done before… Then I come back aaaaaand… BEHOLD! These suspicious looking cartoon dudes in the cockpit broke the glass of the PFD, backup equipment, AND MCDU displays! Now what am I gonna do? Well… gonna try to finish the flight by visual orientation. Don’t feel like restarting and setting everything up again. HILARIOUS. Anyone else experienced anything like this? This is a first for me!

Typed this post and came back to the sim… THEY BOUGHT NEW ONES AND INSTALLED THEM! I will be damned. Ha! :wink:

Anyway, humorous enough that I thought I’d share.

I’ve experienced that some months ago with the A32nx, some switches were stolen too :sweat_smile:
I suspect a joker onboard :partying_face:

Just like there some times are marshals onboard for security reasons, it’s not unlikely that there are also 747 certified mechanics onboard:-).
Old saying: even monkeys can learn how to fly. Depends on how many bananas you feed them…