787 B78XH Can't load Flightplan in the air

The FMC “Load FP from SB” or entering origin and dest in RTE do not work when in the air
This makes it useless to load a flight


Being the B787XH is a MOD, moved to Interests-Aircraft

No it’s not useless. Load your FP on the ground the way you are meant to.


The case is not the GROUND, it’s AIR

B78XH Community BUG raised

Not a bug.

This is a FEATURE that you want added.

Creating a flightplan in the air is possible with the MSFS 787.
And now when it’s removed, recalling it you call a feature!
Come on!


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Speaking of “realism”… How often have you seen planes appear in the air IRL?? How often have you boarded a plane while in the air??

This is a FEATURE REQUEST because you are requesting a FEATURE to load outdated FP, with incorrect values.

You think about SB import just like about WAYPOINTS but the plan is not just about the WAYPOINTS… Import in the air means → wrong fuel block, probably problem with MLW, problem with fast changing CG during import because the CG of aircraft would change really fast in no time, wrong fuel block even if you change the block by the FP+WAYPOINT (with live weather on), because the fuel block is calculated with different weather conditions and so on.

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