787 Flight Display

We still doing this Asobo? Breaking stuff that wasn’t broken with each new update? I swear my patience is just about gone.


Do you have any mods? Official 787 PFD doesn’t look like this.

Remove any mods from Community folder, and try it again.

Yep had removed the mods and this is the default livery. I’ll try again tomorrow after I restart my computer. If it gets solved, I’ll delete this.

Weird, I tried the default B787 after this update and had no PFD issues. You PFD should work properly if you leave the community folder empty. Something is wrong, maybe you can check it again.

It’s on your end.

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This happened to me too, on restarting it was fixed. Haven’t tried again.

Which mod is it? Seems rather good. :+1:

I’ll be starting the game shortly and give an update.

Every start up acts like it wants to glitch out and then corrects itself after 1-2 seconds. Didn’t start doing this until the update.

On the same topoic but different airplane, this is what my Baron looks like when I start it up.

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