Maybe just dump question but how is it with fuel consuption in case of 787? Just did flight from JFK to Heathrow which is something like 3000 nm (based on in game flight planner), 787 should have range about 7000 nm (based again on stats in game again), so I loaded about 70% of max fuel, which should be enough with reserve for this flight, considering flying nearly empty in cargo and pax wise and let the world wonder I ended up running just on fumes long before even reaching coast of Ireland… Did I anything wrong? Cruise speed 0,84 Mach seems normal, N1 about 50% for most of the flight and with light tailwind I should be able to get over Atlantic with no issues. Am I missing something? Or am I just dump? Thnx in advance
The 787, according to some quick calculations, should use about 70,000 lbs of fuel to go from JFK to LHR ( not including any reserve).
It holds about 224,000 lbs at full.
I never really checked consumption as I do shorter flights.
Did you check your fuel gage in the aircraft before take-off to confirm you had 70% (roughly 160,000 lbs)?
The weight/fuel screen can be a bit buggy.
50% N1? Certainly not.
I often see the sim‘s airliners at 40.000 feet plus when I enable all players. That might be a max altitude for these airplanes but it‘s hardly ever an economical altitude. Flying higher than recommended is even worse than flying lower regarding fuel consumption. But still, you mentioning 50% N1 in cruise makes me wonder where the problem actually lies. And I don‘t know about M.84 but it seems high for the 787 too, that‘s rather 747 business, but I don‘t know the plane.
To add:
Being new to something or not knowing specific things doesn‘t make someone dumb. You ask, that makes you curious. But much more information would be needed.
Specifically load, en route winds, flight level, that stuff.
Actually I am not sure about N1 as it was in AP with AT on so i was not paying attention to these nunbers that much (as the speeds and stuff were fully managed by AP, I did not touch the speed knob, 0.84 mach is also below max allowed speed in these altitudes and again AP managed that). Cruise alt was FL360, which should be well below max altitude for 787 and yes gauges matched the payload screen, roughly 160 000+ lbs of fuel and I was flying nearly empty regarding weight of cargo and passengers (only 20% of max allowed weight).
Where to check actual consuption in the sim in 787? To see how much it actualy drinks per hour… Can cost index have relation to this consuption as I noticed that it is set to 100 by default. But still it the twice the consuption it should have…
Funny thing is that I tried the same flight with 70% of fuel on board and tried to use fast forward function to descent phase and guess what? Error message that I am not having enough fuel to do this. I had to overfill the tanks to at least 80% of their capacity to be able to do this skip.
Cost index doesn’t work.
It is just there for looks.
I did a google search for the info I gave you, you may want to do that as well.
I used Google but all related info was mainly from real life and I am not sure if all of that can be applyied in the sim as it is bugged as hell and many things just do not work there
Sometimes I mess up and click the wrong buttons and end up resetting the fuel quantity without even opening that menu. I’d just recommend double checking it with the weight tab once you click “fly” and load the flight in
OK I took a flight in the 787 to give you some numbers.
Climb to 39000 ft used 5600 lbs, Cruise consumed 2200 lbs per hour, and descent used 1400 lbs.
Climb at app 280 kts, cruise @ .84m
These are all approximate.
The wind was pretty well side on at 270 kts during cruise.
Hope that gives you something to go on.
78’s routine cruise the Atlantic routes at FL390 - FL410 every day of the year. The design is well-optimized for cruise at Mach 0.8 - 0.86. Per the ADS-B data, here’s a quick snap showing every 787 currently flying over the Atlantic - note the altitudes:
The real 787 burns 4 tons of fuel an hour in cruise, as verified by a 787 captain.
Maybe this helps. It is for the B787-9.
P.S. 50% N1 is a little bit above flight idle. Cruise would be 80% plus.
Many thanks for everyones posts, it helps a lot… My aircraft has major fuel leak for sure
I would say that it is another bug in sim at least on Xbox. I did another flight yesterday from O’Hare to Frisco, roughly half of the tank, about 100 000 lbs of fuel on board, and I nearly did not make it, ended up with only 4% of fuel left. @.84, N1 61%, 38000 ft, 20% of max allowed weight in passengers and cargo, decent head wind on 35 knots. Based on my calculations it should use about 41000lbs + 12000 lbs reserve which is about 1/4 of tank max capacity and it should be enough for 5,5 hours of flight. Let’s call it a bug for now as these numbers does not match to real life even close.
Or what I experienced in the sim.
The only thing else I can think of, and I can’t understand that, do you start from cold and dark, and do you shut down the APU after start-up ( I can’t see the APU using that much fuel)
Did you raise the gear?
Ouch… that’s it😁
Well it also a good habit to lower the speed brakes during cruise and close the fuel dump valves
I’ll do some more tests today but I am more and more convinced that this is a Xbox related bug. Can anyone on Xbox pls do the same? I know about a lot of things that works perfectly fine on PC and not so much on Xbox…
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