When ILS signal captured, after localizer be locked.
Then turn on App button, but the plane just ignores the glide slope.
Even push the App button again, but it still jump back to LOC again.
I tried lower altitude to capture G/S, it still pass the G/S…
Huh… interesting… Did you try pressing the APP button a lot earlier… I usually press mine when the ILS signal is detected, and I don’t need to wait until I’m lined up before I press it. I leave the APP to be armed and activates itself automatically when it’s captured. You’re also a bit high on the glideslope, which is usually too late to engage it. That’s why I prefer to arm it earlier before crossing the localiser and make sure I’m already below the glideslope, not above it.
Also, try to do a basic housekeeping first which is usually the cause of 90% of the problems:
- Set Flight Model to modern, not legacy.
- Assists settings should be set to Hard/True to Life.
- AI Copilot control should be off.
- Add deadzones to all your axis controls. 5% or more should be enough.
If you confirm these four are correct and it’s still having the issue. Then there’s definitely something else going on. What mods do you have? Any of them affecting autopilot or flight dynamics? Doesn’t have to be 787 mods, it could be something else that might have affected it.
You are above the glide slope so it won’t capture. The GS must be captured from below meaning the GS indicator is above the midpoint of the indicator in order to capture. Here is a 787 ILS tutorial I did a couple months ago that explains it all. Boeing 787 ILS Approach and Landing Tutorial - Microsoft Flight Simulator - YouTube
I tried many ways to inbound ILS, including under G/S 1000 feet.
All the same results, when purple diamond reached to middle,
It just lock on the same altitude, and keep forward, did not follow G/S to descend.
All settings are default settings, and MOD are moved, even re-installed MSFS 2020.
But I will try all advices mentioned in above.
Thank for your advices, appreciate that!
You should try clicking on LNAV mode and the APPR mode
Got it!
I will try this method and feed back it.
Thank you!
I just tried an ILS approach in the 787. I put the frequency in and flew an ILS approach on the AP and it captured the LOC and GS just like it should. I selected LNAV and it captured the localizer and then hit APP and the GS armed and then captured upon intercept.
Click the LVNAV before APPR is working!
But after the recently updating, this problem seems be solved.
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