787 MFD Display Problem

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WIndows Store version - PC

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?


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Yes - issue persist

Which aircraft are you reporting an issue about? (Please also add the proper tag for it)

787(all varients)

Which aircraft version are you experiencing this issue on? (You can find this listed in the Content Manager under the Aircraft Name)


Brief description of the issue:

Lower MFD (center console) attempts to display three (3) different options causing an inability to use any part of the MFD

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Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Occurs every time I load any variant Boeing 787

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

i9-13900k, 64 GB Ram, Nvidia 4090

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:


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Assuming you have nothing in your community folder (all addons removed ) and no external addons running, have you tried uninstalling - reinstalling the 787?
If not, with the sim shut down, just remove (don’t delete until the reinstall is finished and all is good) all the 787 folders from the “Official/One Store” file and restart the sim. It will redownload and install the files automatically.
See if that helps.

Hey @voni463 This seems to be caused (since I’ve seen this on the MSFS Discord) by the Horizon Simulations 787-9. Can you confirm that your community folder is empty?

Steps to "empty" your Community Folder

Rename the Community Folder

To do this, change your Community Folder name to something like 1Community and open the sim. This enters the sim with no addons and will create a new Community Folder that is empty.

You will have these three folders in the Packages folder:

1Community (has addons)
Community (empty)

When you are done testing and want to add all of your addons to the sim, delete Community and rename 1Community back to Community. Your packages folder should now look like this

Community (used to be 1Community, has addons)

I read somewhere that if you still have the Heavy Division Mod installed it will caused this bug. Have you checked that?

I haven’t tried that but I will now!
Thank you!

Thank you! While the community folder is not empty now, I have removed in the past to no avail. I will try the other option in removing the 787 folders.

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So your community folder was actually not empty above when you said that the community folder was empty?

It doesn’t help the bug report if you don’t actually try emptying the community folder. That step is there for a reason.

Thank you for the tutorial, I was actually moving the contents of the folder to another and putting it back. this process is more efficient. Going to try this today…

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No, don’t get me wrong - I have removed the contents of the Community Folder in the past (this has been a problem for some time but I don’t really fly the 787 so I just let it go). Recently, the only add-on I added was the Horizon 787. So, indeed I tried to troubleshoot with an EMPTY Community Folder in the past. Obviously, since I don’t fly the 787 I put the folder back together. When I added Horizon and tried to fly the problem came up again, a little different this time but the same concept.

Hey @Ffortuna That seemed to indeed be the problem. I had a hard time finding the folder but once I located and removed the problem went away! Thanks again!!!

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