7950x3d and rtx4090 - not getting expected performance

Below my personal comments and observations.

IDC because windows 11 is not recommended for gamers :wink:

Thank you for telling us you don’t care about official Intel guidance on proper handling of the Intel Thread Director technology.

Hopefully, this information will be useful to someone out there.

Technologies like thread director are of no use if they come with numerous bugs or issues, such as in the case of an operating system like Windows 11. Bugs and issues can indeed impact the user experience, causing frustration and potential disruptions.

Yesterday I updated gamebar from ms store thinking that may fix the issue where it doesn’t stay checked, and now the “remember this is a game” checkbox is no longer there at all, it disappeared.

Do you have a 7950X3D?

yes I have 7950X3d, the checkbox was there before the update but would not stay checked, now the checkbox is gone after updating gamebar to latest version.

edit, googled about it being missing and it says
“If you don’t see this setting, it means Game Bar already recognizes your game.”

so maybe latest gamebar already knows it is a game.

Hey @joeaudacious :wave:

For what it’s worth, here is a little tidbit of info for you. Your mileage may vary but it could be worth trying. It’s easily reversible if you want.

Background: in desperation trying to get my new VR to be smooth I tried this. I no longer need Frame Generation (really, I’m not going back to flying on my monitor again haha) so that is something you may want to skip, but…

  1. Turn off HAGS (only needed for FG)
  2. Turn off Game Mode in Windows settings (so Game Bar is out of the equation for deciding about v-cache etc)
  3. Go into Bios and Enable the X3D CoreFlex for Gaming profile (default settings. No idea what all the stuff you can tweak here means but this makes Windows no longer in control of that core parking etc).

For me it’s way better than before. Much more consistent performance all round in VR. Not tried in 2D but I guess it would be similar improvement.


+1 to all steps. Running CPPC as prefer cache is the only way. Game bar method, caused this video. It was always known to be kind of a flakey method letting windows control the CCD preference.


What other changes do I need to make to avoid use frame generation? DLSS uses it right? so I need to change to TAA?
In NVidia control panel set VR generated frames to 0?
Do you use DX11 or DX12?

FG only has an effect on display onto a monitor, no effect in VR. So if you are only flying VR these days you don’t need it. Turn it off in the PC settings. Turn off HAGS in Windows Graphics settings.

Well, both TAA and DLSS can use it, but as per above only on 2D.

In VR you will get better balance using DLSS (with the 3.5.10 patch easily added by DLSS Swapper - search Google for the GitHub link for it). This helps improve visual quality at the lower settings. I am juggling between Balanced and Performance but still need to tweak around this area next time I get change (it’s endless tweaking lol).

Don’t know about that yet TBH. I didn’t change it. I think it’s 1 as default.

I use DX12, but didn’t actually try DX11 yet - hmm maybe I should! I think DX12 is better though as it will utilise the GPU more than the CPU, and I am still mainly CPU limited in VR no matter what I try.

It’s really random. Some days it is gloriously fluid even in heavy PG areas. Other days it stutters with no changes done, and even if I lower settings it stutters in not even heavy areas. So flipping weird! Also sometimes in the SAME FLIGHT it can degrade to stuttering after a couple of hours, where it was beautiful at the start. Very frustrating but every step I make is making it more constantly on the better side of the scale. I am still not there yet though. It lulls me into thinking I’ve sorted it, then it changes for the worse. A PC reboot would probably make it smooth again (for a bit) so I have no idea what is going on with it really. Still it’s perfectly flyable and good now, just I know it could (and can / has been) better. Grrrr…

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is actually really simple, let the gpu working harder then cpu and voila, no stutters.

Wish it was that simple. If I max my GPU so it’s 100%, it still reports CPU Mainthread Limited in dev fps tool and is even worse than if I aim for 80-95% GPU (with that target it can drop as low as 60’s% in very light scenery and/or over mainly sea).

That’s when you should consider dialing back some CPU related settings instead.

I have really. No AI or Live traffic. 70 for both LOD’s. Around 20-40% on the cars / boats etc sliders and like 20 for static aircraft density / workers type of stuff. Not much more I can do?

Only talking about VR here by the way. In 2D everything was locked fluid 72fps with FG and pretty much all on Ultra and like 150 on LOD’s. To be honest I don’t see a great deal of difference with anything over 120 LOD so I don’t care about it being lower. Fluidity is much more important.

I forgot you were talking VR. Are you limiting your headset refresh rate?

I don’t know much about VR, but I noticed something the other day when trying with a Quest 2. I set the headset refresh to the minimum (I think 60Hz) from the start thinking my GPU wouldn’t run it well. I noticed that suddenly I’m main thread limited with very high CPU frame times even though I have a weak GPU when it comes to VR. I couldn’t figure out why that was so decided to increase the refresh rate of the Q2 and I noticed my CPU frame times went down and my overall fps went up.

My guess is that the artificial frame limit due to the refresh rate presented itself as a CPU limitation, like a pause instruction. For example, if the CPU can complete a frame in 10ms, but the frame rate is limited to every 33ms (30fps/60Hz VR), then there’s a 23ms period of sim inactivity that the CPU isn’t doing anything, which shows up as a 33ms total CPU frame time.

Like I said, I don’t know much in this area, but that’s my specific issue regarding abnormally high main thread frame times. Running at 90Hz basically fixed it for me.

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Might worth looking:

I looked at the issues in this post, and well. On my 13900kf, with 64gb xpg 6000mhz, and MsI gaming x trio 4090 and 2 2tb high speed nvmes… so basically another high end rig.

In the last month or so it’s gotten bad, then out of curiosity I took out my laptop and well… it blew my rig out of the water, though I had no discernible hardware issues.

Anyway, I spent the 3 day weekend troubleshooting my rig, playing with all settings, on my bios, windows, all nvidia settings, all FS settings, dumped some AI load too… and well… I was able to claw back FPS from low 30s up to mid 40s, which shows a much better improvement with frame gen, obv.
Though I know I still didn’t solve the problem, I had a running CPU utilization in taskman of 5% flying a PMDG737 over Manhattan, and seriously my rig was running cool and quiet except for the 4090.

Anyway… reinstalling Windows now.
You are all relative heroes if this works.

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Yes I’m using Virtual Desktop and you have to choose 72, 80, 90 or 120Hz. Then for each you can tick Spacewarp (SSW), which halves the request from the sim/GPU and uses its frame interpolation to double the frame rate back to the Hz you selected.

I’ve tried all combos of everything and more. It has an effect for sure but still have not found the golden ticket.

I’m getting some help to try OXRTK with VD on top today, so let’s see how this goes!

This is great - many thanks for this. I have a 7950x3d , rtx4090 and Pico 4 and was getting movement stutters. These changes have increased the frame rate, but more importantly massively reduced the shuttering and increased the fluidity of the experience.

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No problem - glad it worked - never know! It’s so variable and everyone has different experience.

Another thing that has really helped me is turning off the Nvidia Background App Frame Limit (I had it at 30 before, which I did by following one of the good setup videos – so no idea why that was suggested) and also using Riva Tuner to lock the FPS to half refresh (if you are using SSW / MR) as I found this so much smoother and better at capping than NV equivalent. And for some reason even though the SSW should have been doing the cap, it was but not as solidly. Riva really makes everything fluid in most situations now.

Man, so many settings - I have been back through everything and hopefully, finally, looks like I have cracked the Goldilocks zone. We shall see! Looks like SU15 is actually going to help though unless they break it / make it worse before public release. I’m sure they are quite capable of that!