7950x3d - does 2024 use more then the 8 3D cores?

Please only participate if you are running the 7950x3d or 7900x3d, thanks.

If you are using the 7950x3d/7900x3d with MSFS 2024, please share your experience.
I am especially interested into information confirming the real usage of cores/threads. If you are looking at cpu usage within taskmanager (CPU-right click, change view to logical processors) - what usage do you see, how many cores/threads are used over photogrammetry and especially in high TLOD scenarios?

I want to run the sim with TLODs =>400 to improve the range of sight in 4k.
I am not sure how multithreaded 2024 really is. Is the limit 8c/16th or is it the optimal speced 12c/24th. I really dont hope that it the limiting 1 render thread again…

Thanks :blue_heart:

X3D chips are useless in this game since the game is using cores,not cache

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Please go into more detail, on what information is this based?

There are a lot of official benchamarks on this game with X3D and non X3D chips out there

Interesting I was thinking of upgrading my Intel chip to the 9800X3D

From your statement what would be your choice of a cpu AMD or Intel ?

I have an I9 10900K - 64 gig of ram - 4080 Super OC - any recommendations to something that would be a noticeable jump in performance - thanks much

Any Intel or non X3D AMD chip, the best CPU on the market now is the AMD one. If you want to stay with Intel go for the 14900k, it will be a significant boost over your 10th gen

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Thanks Alex
Not hearing good things about heat generated and power draw by 14900k - any thoughts what AMD chip would you suggest or just stick with the 14900k ?

If you want AMD go for the 9950X as the best non X3D chip, but the 14900k beats it in most games. You already have a 4080 Super so that means you have a beefy power supply alread, so you shouldn’t worry about adding an Intel chip

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Huge thanks Alex - appreciate it

Are you saying that X3D chips are useless for MSFS 2020/2024? I’m curious if my Ryzen 7 9800X3D is not suitable for playing MSFS 2020/2024 - could you clarify?

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That is not true. I ran these tests at 1080p, which is the default benchmark for CPU performance, as it reduces GPU bottlenecking. I also adjusted my graphics settings to favor a CPU bottleneck. It’s very obvious that the sim favors the Vcache cores. Look at the latencies, and the FPS (particularly the 1% Lows.)

The result of my testing is that I do the following running the sim @ 4K:

Most settings Ultra/High
DLSS Quality
Windows Game Mode OFF
Xbox Game Bar OFF
Bitsum Process Lasso assigns the sim to the Vcache core only. Everything else goes on the non-Vcache cores.
Bitsum Core Park app disables all core parking.
Ultimate Power Plan.
There are a few other tweaks I’ve done. But the bottom line is that I’ve got the sim running extremely well, and the Vcache cores ARE being utilized.

I think Process Lasso is a must with the 7950X3D (and probably any other mulit-chiplet design with Vcache on one chiplet, and non-Vcache on the other.


Thank you. I mean how could it not benefit from the 3D cores at least a little when FS2020 benefited from it soo much? Maybe FS24 doesn’t benefit quite as much, but since it appears to be basically the same engine with some improvements, why would it behave completely differently?

The 9800x3D is astounding for FS20. Nice frametime boost and the better lows make a huge difference even when locked to 45fps in VR. It feels so much smoother than even a 7800x3D!

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I used to discourage buying AMD CPUs, but now I wholeheartedly recommend AMD X3D series. After 30 years of using Intel, I switched to AMD and have no regrets. Until recently, I had an Intel i9 13900K but I returned it to Intel for obvious reasons and they refunded my money. I bought a Ryzen 7 7800X3D and on its release day a Ryzen 7 9800X3D. I gave the Ryzen 7 7800X3D to my son. I don’t regret switching from Intel to AMD and plan to stick with AMD CPUs for a long time because (right now) there’s nothing better for gaming.

I’ve had no issues with AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D or the motherboards designed for Ryzen X3D CPUs. Additionally, my latest CPU, the Ryzen 7 9800X3D stays cool during gaming like snow in Antarctica.


This statement seems kind of nonsensical since it’s not an “either or” situation, especially because the cache is itself part of the cores. So the sim is obviously always using both cores and cache.

Maybe the vcache isn’t quite as important as in 2020 since 2024 spreads load over more cores, but your statement is way too absolutistic and therefore misleading.

Can you please link the tests you refer to where the vcache cores performed worse?

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177 FPS/5.6ms (Vcache only) vs 129 FPS/7.7ms (non-Vcache only) and 123 FPS/8.1ms (All cores) tells me all I need to know.

You need to separate the sim from everything else on Process Lasso, and let it take over core assignments and core parking.

This excellent video from Savitarax (one of the smartest gaming computer dudes on Youtube) was very helpful. It taught me that most of the Windows processes can be run in Idle Mode. It may be counterintuitive, but it works. I highly recommend watching it if you use Process Lasso (which you should if you have a 7950X3D or similar CPU.)


I’m on a 9800x3D now and I do have Process Lasso. Would the linked method still be beneficial?

EDIT: Guess not since it seems to be focused on binding processes to a specific CCD.

If you’re using a Ryzen 7 9800X3D, you don’t need any tricks with Process Lasso. This CPU is powerful enough to handle MSFS 2020/2024 smoothly without additional tweaks.

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Yeah just realized what the video is about.

And I did think “how could it get even better” lol, but it’s never enough…

Can you post those benchmarks please?

We need detail, more detail and even more detail!


Note to everyone. Seeing activity in all cores in Task Manager can be misleading. Windows schedules threads on the next available core, so they all get used but NOT necessarily 100%.

More sophisticated tools like Microsoft’s Process Explorer or Process Monitor give a fuller picture. The AMD tool to manipulate the VCache etc plays a part in thorough analysis.

Identical condition comparisons with 2020 are useful, with the caveat that they render quite differently.