One doesn’t have to have an intent of using MSFS as an aerobatics sim to figure out that it’s superior to FS2004 and FSX. When it comes flying under VFR or IFR it doesn’t matter what sim I use be it MSFS, XP or P3D. I can do it in all of them the same exact way (thanks to Orbx TrueEarth for XP and P3D). For flying under VFR from Montgomery to Burbank I simply break out the San Diego and Los Angeles TACs and keep looking around with TrackIR while referencing the charts. For IFR I have have the en-route charts. Flying under IFR there are caveats depending on what you fly however it’s not impossible. I can totally do this in the 152 with the mod in IMC…
It doesn’t matter what sim I use to fly this, it works.
If that’s the case, why can’t I use the same multi-monitor/multi-view setup I used with XP11? Yes, I can use a stretched out/distorted view but I can’t adjust the views independent of each other so they’re correct.
It’s fine for beginner to intermediate but it’s still a ways from being “extreme.”
Microsoft Flight Simulator (colloquially known as Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 ) is an amateur flight simulator developed by Asobo Studio and published by Xbox Game Studios.
Isn’t that obvious? Games are for gamers duh! That’s what i expect, an amazing flying simulation game. I just want more content now and asobo is delivering it. I love how this game is improving with each update.
Training in a C150 back in the 90’s. C172 now, but not as often as I’d like. Simulators help stop me going rusty.
I agree with your comment 100%. However, the default C172 in XP11 is actually licensed for use pretty much as is in several commercial simulators. I would say that aircraft responds in the air very realistic, on the ground not so much so. The C172 in MSFS is way too responsive in the air, and the climb rates feel all wrong but on the ground actually better which is ironic. The C152 in MSFS somewhat reminds me of how I remembered the C150 though again it feels too responsive in the air.
If anyone feels they can find a true flight simulator experience for the price of MSFS, you’re kidding yourself. Besides, I would argue that one year in the life of a flight simulator is not very long. Be patient. IMHO, I believe this sim is heading in a very good direction. Give Microsoft and Asobo time.
Something tells me the commercial version of XP11 is better in this regard. I know there are a few mods on the XP org site that correct inaccuracies and there are three payware addons two of which are for the LR 172 that are better. The last time I flew a 172 (S model) was back in 2005. Most of my time is in an N model. Regarding the 152 I highly suggest the JPLogistics mod. I don’t know how it compares to a real 152, last time I was in a 152 was in the early 2000s however it’s pretty spot on to the POH.
Newsflash: all simulations are games, because they aren’t real and you are playing make believe. Stow the elitism.
MSFS2020 is no more or less of a “game for gamers” than FSX, P3D or X-Plane. It’s whatever you make it for yourself with realistic add-ons that go above and beyond of what the default sim offers. Same as any other sim.
I believe the point they are trying to make is that there are plenty on shoot em up flying games. This should be something for the “boring” people who actually enjoy flying from A to B without having to drop bombs on things, in the same way the franchise has been doing for the past 40 years.
OK, if they can do that AND appease those who just want to fly under bridges or over their house then great. If not then please prioritise the original ethos of the title.
One thing you should know is MSFS is a simulation of a flight simulator like the rest of them it dose not come close to an actual flight simulator like the rest of them that’s it I am a real world commercial pilot so I have some sort of a idea
They don’t work on the G1000 Mod anymore.
The 1000NXi sholud replace the old Mod. This Mod is in a n alpha state because they use a completly different code base. They need time to bring a realistic G1000 so on their Discord they wrote that it is in a really early state.
Take the “gamer” and “simmer” wordings as metaphoric… It descibes two different kind of people: those who go by, try it out, find it nice and spend money for 2 addons, find them quite expensive compared to the overall price of the sim, then start to find the sim itself boring because it’s just, well, flying around.
And then there are people who build a PC dedicated for this sim, spend their time and financial efforts to build sim experience, extensive hard and software, focus on procedures and rules and take the whole game as serious as they would a real flight. They aren’t just a few, they are many thousands. It’s those same thousands who will still be there in a couple of years, when the “gamers” have moved on and not looked back for ages. You won’t sell anything to the “gamers” anymore. Those who stayed, whether they are veterans or newbies, can be referred to as “simmers”. It’s them who have purchased every new FS version in the past and who will continue to do that even without extensive and expensive PR hype campains.
The terms “gamers” and “simmers” are used due to the lack of a better expression. But your constant claim that they are the same is utter nonsense. Currently (one year in) this sim or game or whatever, program, is NOT seriously usable for those who are refered to as “simmers”. It has a nice scenery, it is stable for most people, it has a great performance. Red Dead Redemption has that too. But just like RDR it’s a station on a way, not the base on which everything is built. We would love to replace the “obsolete” sims with this new visual wonder. But it simply doesn’t work.
The hobby “simming” is entirely different from the hobby “gaming”. Entirely.