A Helicopter Pilot's take on the 2024 Trailer

I have a few thoughts on the trailer…the future of flight simulation is pretty exciting!


Totally… The advancement of MSFS world engine makes the flying experience expand beyond the gauges monitoring at 40 000 ft…

It is clearly the first and for now only world engine that makes fans of helicopter or bush flying or even simple GA VFR, live an immersive experience that no other engine offers out there…

This is why I dropped other sims and I enjoy this one a lot despite all the refinement and tweaks we love to see here and there…

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This ability to interact with a world that is meaningful and recognisable is extraordinary in MSFS2020. I’ve pretty much given up on anything other than bush flying, classic GA or helis now. It’s just so rewarding and offers such a rich experience. I hope MSFS2024 takes it even further - it sure looks like it will.


Unigine is an engine I was following since many years now to see where it was heading. It was way before MSFS and during the time I was dreaming about a next gen simulator based on Unigine… And then the big surprise was MSFS and Asobo’s engine that went beyond what I think Unigine would have been able to produce…

Anyways, Unigine has a game version and simulator versions (licenses).

In 2013, they released a helicopter simulator demo and the area if I was not mistaken was just California… No world coverage at all… And there was a firefighting demo as well…

Now to my knowledge, no flight simulator for the general public (entertainment) was released based on Unigine Sim engine… Clearly it was expensive and meant for real world niche training…

And I did not see any evolution since…

These are the versions one can get a license for:

For all those who complain about MSFS lacking this and that or having scenario driven simulation for multiple flight jobs in 2024 version… Think about it, the Unigine example shows that we are getting at a very low cost, a huge value in MSFS (2020, 2024 etc), certainly for entertainment not training, but the specs and features or technical value are clearly equivalent to highly expensive engines / kits for simulation… And they have scenarios as well… And you know what, they do not cover all the flight types in one solution…

Let’s hope Asobo will also keep working on the helicopter flight model, not just eye candy and action packs!