A lack of respect for the client

Most importand for me is;
i read only addons from marketplace will work in 24,
no word about wat is not from there,so did the new one have a Community folder,or can you use only marketplace stuff???

and if i stay at 2020 i am not willing to pay for fixes,if they do worldupdates as dlc,they tell us they are free.
if they fix all in 2020 (and it work) before releaseof 24 then i maybee buy the new one,but i will not buy it for fixes we have pay for…

also that i can not update my pc to w11 because MS did so(when W10 was the Last Windows :rofl:) so,that tell me a lot wat to think,sorry for my english

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While this was a little unclear, it seems from context clues that they intend to be backwards compatible.

The Marketplace comment seems to be to let players and 3rd party developers know that their addons will be easily ported. Devs won’t need to rebuild their 2020 products and players won’t lose their hangars.

Being an Xbox event, where the Marketplace is the ONLY way to get 3rd party content, it would have been confusing to talk about other PC options for downloadable content. But the Marketplace content is typically the exact same addon as one purchased or obtained elsewhere so I cannot fathom other content magically becoming incompatible. This is excellent news for 3rd party developers who can continue selling and updating their 2020 planes while they work on new, 2024 planes. This allows players to grow very large hangars without starting over every time. Overall, it means far, far more planes, airports, and whatnot for 2024.


Text from MS

Will all purchases users have made from the Marketplace be transferrable to the new simulator?

With very few exceptions, virtually all add-ons that work in Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) today will function in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. Add-ons that were purchased from the in-simulator Marketplace will not need to be re-purchased in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.

no word about community folder and if that will be part of the new sim.

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It’s not about the cost of the sim. A lot. And I mean a lot of folks spent hundreds and thousands of whatever currency on hardware so that the sim could give them the best experience they could afford. It’s this that is worrying/scaring people. My rig was £3k two years ago and I’m crossing my fingers that it will handle Frankenstein 2024 ok. But a lot of folks are running 2020 by the skin of their teeth, will they continue to be part of the franchise.
Hardware is a big worry.


Again, being an Xbox event, the Marketplace is the only source for paid addons on Xbox. Of course they said, “Marketplace.”

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ok,so they will not sell to pc guys then?
save my money :wink:
i have no problem for x-box, we beta test on pc…i only will not use x-box because no comunnity folder…if there is no in a new game,i am out. :wink:

Also i need Windows only for FS,so no FS i do not need Windows anymore.
put linux on my old Pc,no force to buy new Hardware for W11,save recorces.


Being a little optimistic (or i would argue that a bit realistic also) here, that marketplace mention is because of legal issues. They can control what gets put in marketplace. But they cannot control what is sold via 3rd party websites for example some simconnect programs or FSUIPC etc. Those are also technically add-ons but may not be working right out of the box. You should absolutely expect some initial hiccups with some add-ons. Someone was theorizing about removing deprecated bits from SDK, some addons which used those might not work without updates. But overall, the add-ons sold via marketplace and the same add-ons sold via dev website runs the same code. And I don’t think ms will remove the community folder structure, how will they handle freewares? Liveries?. They still cannot fully cope with the volume of paywares, i don’t think they will force everything to go via marketplace (assuming they are not consumed by greed). So i think unless we know more about their plans (which I suspect will be shown during FSExpo), i think we should wait and watch. And 2020 is going nowhere for atleast 1-2 more years. So we can always fall back to that.


That’s not what they mean.

What they are trying to say is:

  • If you are playing on the X-box, the ONLY choice for add-ons is the marketplace.  You cannot use external 3rd party stuff.
  • If you are playing using a PC, you can use marketplace add-ons, AND you can use 3rd party stuff too

PC players can use both.

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I’m not a massive fan of Xbox. I am very old school in that consoles were but a twinkle in Microsoft’s eye when I started on pcs. So in that respect I’ve always thought of console’s being for “games “. And please I really am not putting console owners down its just that if a console doesn’t give you what you want then get a pc. And again please I don’t mean that to sound as flippant as it may come over. It’s more like comparing apples and oranges.


I think what we are witnessing is that the recent success of MSFS 2020 has at last put flight simulation (as a game) on the radar screen of Microsoft. Up until this version, the franchise was really an anomaly within Microsoft that nobody paid much attention to. It seems to have now found a home within the Xbox gaming division and Microsoft now sees an opportunity to leverage it to sell more game passes. For hard core simmers like me this is sort of bitter/sweet. On the one hand, MSFS will be afforded lots of resources to further develop and support the sim (sweet). On the other hand, preference will always be given to the gamer or casual simmer who wants a breadth of experiences (races, challenges, trips, etc.) rather than depth of systems simulation and realism. I guess we will see how it pans out and, of course, we always have other alternatives.


I only recently learned that there are people “playing” MSFS who haven’t invested over $100,000 in a cockpit setup! Honestly who do these people think they are with their monitors and mice and pathetic $1000 “joystick”. They should go back to playing Minecraft or something… /s


But they all invested $60 on MSFS

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I’m loving it.

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I would love to get my hands on this thing. Please throw it my way. Ok thanks.

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As I, (and others), have said before, MSFS is NOT about depth or accuracy, it is about engaging game play that appeals to a broad audience.

It’s like comparing a Lamborghini to a Buick Sedan.  “Hardcore” drivers drive the Lamborghini, the rest of us drive the Buick.

MSFS has always been the Buick, ever since I got my first MSFS cartridge for the Atari 130-XE.

It has never been a Lamborghini, it’s not a Lamborghini now, and I doubt it will ever become a Lamborghini.

If a Lamborghini is what you want, then go buy a Lamborghini, but be prepared to give up things like gas mileage, a comfortable ride, etc.

There are more technically accurate sims, but you give up ease of use, scenery, the diversity of 3rd party stuff, (most of the 3rd party dev’s have abandoned other sims to focus on MSFS, because that’s where the money is), and all the rest of the goodies you get with MSFS.

Freeware:  FlightGear (www.flightgear.org)
Payware:  X-Plane 11 or 12 depending on your system spec.

I have both XP-11 and XP-12 and (IMHO) as far as scenery and ease of use, as well as a rich library of add-ons, MSFS can’t be beat.

Everyone must have their own definition of the term, a bit like “study level”.

But I would say that “Someone with a $10k - $20k (+) simpit?” is a “hard core sim”

“Someone who flies tubeliners?” Doesn’t have to be a “hard core sim”, but can fall into that category.

So, what’s a “hard core sim”?

“Someone that spends a lot of time on the forums dissing the X-box or more casual sim?” Doesn’t have to be a “hard core sim” in my eyes. Rather just a nasty person.

“Someone that thinks GA VFR sightseeing isn’t real flying and that they are somehow beneath consideration?” Is not a “hard core sim” in my eyes.

In my eyes, you can be a “hard core sim” in all different types of flying. But those who like to do loping in a 747 are not a “hard core sim” in my eyes. Those who don’t care how real it is are not “hard core sims” in my eyes.

FlightDeck2Sim and 737NG Driver are, in my opinion, “hard core sims”. They are Boeing pilots for real, but still choose to spend time teaching us non-pilots how to fly. It’s hard core if anything.

It does not mean that one needs to draw such conclusions as you do that they are less valuable in some way. Anyone who pays money for this hobby is warmly welcome, in my host.

But debating what a word or sentence means is completely uninteresting to me.

“IMHO, ANYONE who spends time here, participates in the forums, makes CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions and comments, no matter what/how they fly are “hard core” simmers.”

I don’t agree with that. There are a lot of people on forums who don’t know anything. Calling them “hard core” because they participate in discussion is not right in my book. But as I said, everyone does what they want and defies things as they want. It seems to be very common in the US to talk about what you define yourself as instead of what you are. I can’t understand that thing with my Swedish perspectives on equal rights, etc.

“In any event, everyone here deserves the highest respect and consideration.”

I can’t agree with that either. if someone behaves like an idiot why should you give this person respect. Respect is given and taken. You have to earn respect to get it.

“Us “sub-class””
Don’t understand why you call yourself that. Did someone tell you that?

I think you should discuss facts and science when talking about simulators. But as I said, everyone does what they want.

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A reminder to avoid name-calling. If you want to continue participating, avoid posts aimed at other users and focus solely on the discussion.

From the Code of Conduct - SOP:

  • The Skies are Open for All - Everyone is welcome to Microsoft Flight Simulator regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, or creed.
  • One World, One Community - No matter how you play – regardless of platform, experience level, or reason – we are one community of aviation lovers.
  • Follow Your Checklist - Adhere to the set of rules from each community space. Skipping a checklist item can ground a flight quickly.
  • A Pilot is a Pilot - Treat everyone in the community with respect, and seek to have positive experiences with your fellow pilots.
  • A Pilot is a Pilot - Treat everyone in the community with respect, and seek to have positive experiences with your fellow pilots.

:small_blue_diamond:Harassing or Defamatory Content

Harassing, bullying or defamatory content will not be tolerated and has a negative effect on everyone’s experience in the forums. This includes:

  • Throwing around insults with the intent to bully or targeting individuals or groups with malice.

I’m guessing the US defense industry would disagree when it comes to P3D.

There is both serious training and those who just want to have fun.

As I said before, one need not exclude the other.

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Definatly agree.

At this point I don’t relay understand what we are talking about. Have to go back and look what this thred is aboute.

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I basically agree to this post.

I think it was not meant by Microsoft as it came out and as it is perceived.

I think someone higher up in management said that “You need to bring in more money” or “you need to focus on the ones that make the most money”(Xbox), or “You need to make MSFS a talking point again”.

But maybe it’s something we don’t know or understand that means they have to make a new simulator. Maybe some technical limitation. Or something about laws and regulations?

Or are we just too stupid to understand?

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