A little appreciation post for the team(s)!

(for people that hate reading much, don’t bother, it’s a big thank you to everybody that works on Fs2020 and 24)

I want to start of by thanking each and every person that worked, works, and will work on Fs2020 and 2024 with all my heart, deeply and sincerely. You changed the game forever, period. This includes every partner and every person that even just does as much as brewing coffee for the crew, you are all a bunch of absolute champions! :heart_eyes:

What you guys, girls, and everything in between and outside of it have done is absolutely incredible. When Fs2020 was announced I cried tears of gratitude, I truly did. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one.
Yes, we had, let’s call them, other simulators available that are good, no doubt, but deep inside, the heart of any flight sim enthusiast wanted more, we always want more, such is human nature. We saw what was possible in other games and applications and wanted this in a flight sim, and then out of nowhere we got it. It was a shock.

I will forever be grateful that you created a flight sim again and breathed new life into the entire genre. Everything literally exploded after Fs2020 launched. The peripherals market got a fresh and much needed boost, 3rd parties presented many new and exciting projects, people that never heard of or cared about flight simulators suddenly found a new interest, and even disabled and financially less fortunate people suddenly had access to a modern flight sim and the entire simulation ecosystem profited as a result of that and that’s a win for EVERYBODY involved.

Yes, there was a very rocky start and I will not deny that, there was frustration, anger, vitriol even (sadly) and there will be now again for a while, but I and many, many others believed in you since day one and stuck with you throughout this journey, and of course we were right: you fulfilled your promise and delivered tons of updates and content, a lot of it for free or for a very good price and turned Fs2020 into a fully capable and amazing simulator that many people around the world now love and don’t want to miss ever again.

There are also people that will disagree with me and never be happy about anything done on the sim. There are those that mockingly call it an arcade game. They will always point to another sim and claim how much better it is and just search for anything to criticize about the Fs franchise, rather than to see the good that has been done, and there was A LOT of good stuff done and delivered. Those people are not my focus in this post and I don’t want to amplify that sort of negative and destructive energy, but I want to say that I fully respect other opinions and I also understand that due to the complexity of such a project, experiences WILL vary, that’s just how it is. So whoever is fighting with issues and can’t use the sim as intended: you have my sympathy and my full understanding, I am not denying that there are and might be issues to fix or bugs to squash, there are and will be, always, it’s unavoidable with projects of this scope. Fingers crossed that you may soon join the rest of us in enjoying this beautiful sim.

Fact of the matter remains: Fs2020 and 24 are by far the most complex and vast consumer grade flight simulators ever created, involving many technologies and partners of different fields under one hood, which obviously creates a whole new level of challenges to overcome.

I fired up Fs2024 and it didn’t work on launch day, but I was prepared for some bumps. I just did something else and tried again a day after, and then I was just sitting there smiling while taking it all in. It’s so very beautiful, congratulations to all of you once again! There’s stuff to address and adjust and maybe change or improve, but as a whole it’s a labour of pure love and nobody can deny that.

When it works, you can see the vision you have with this simulator unfold before your eyes, and this is just the start of another chapter on this epic journey! I can’t wait for 3rd parties to use all the new improvements regarding systems and flight modelling or physics in general. So many good things ahead. It’s instantly clear how much you learned from Msfs2020 and the last four years. I bought the aviators edition, not because I need it or want to fly each and every plane, but primarily as a form of thanking you for what you have done for us and given to us enthusiasts and everybody else.

As seasoned professionals, you don’t need me telling you to how to handle the unfortunate comments and toxicity that can arise during such a launch, it’s just business as usual :sweat_smile:. That this marvel of software engineering works AT ALL is just incredible. So once again, thank you so much, everybody, I am BEYOND excited to see the evolution of this next chapter of the best flight simulator there is(my opinion) and it’s already so ■■■■ good when it works and about to get even better!

Cheers to all the positive people with realistic expectations and a constructive mindset, we’re in for a very good ride :star_struck:! Happy flying everybody!


100% I can’t articulate any more than the OP, but I would like to add my weight to the post.

Thank you all very much!

I managed my first flight today and just had fun with the hot air balloon over my house. Truly amazing!


Ditto to all the above! :slight_smile:


Agreed. And to all those now reporting soft textures and stating how they got ripped: that’s obviously not how the development team intends the sim to be, there are server related issues, give 'm some time to iron them out. I suppose they didn’t expect so many of us to take a day off from work and downloading it all instantly but yeah, that goes to show how much we all went to love FS20, a product from that same development team.


People haven’t been able to play for 3 days and this guy makes an appreciation post.


Something that I addressed in my post. I don’t take anything for granted in life, and it’s never wrong to thank people for their hard work.


I honestly feel that the developers find that even more awful than we as single users; having all that investment on it and then hitting rock bottom (but beautifully rendered rock bottom, mind you!) on launch day.

Bottomline being, there’s a lot of disappointed (and hostile) sentiment right now about a product being full of shortcomings while obviously, all those shortcomings relate to the same single server miscalculation that’s now being sorted out yet that takes time and that ssssucks, of course. But, FS24 was never intended to be worse than FS20 so many people now analysing those flaws from different angles (the plane doesn’t load well, the textures are soft, the acces is poor) …they all adress the same, singular issue thats being worked on. I hope people can see that too.


Oh okay.

FYI, the world doesn’t run on good intentions.

This game is fundamentally busted, and that seems “okay” with some people :face_vomiting:


Well I don’t know about turning it philosophical mate, maybe your part of the world doesn’t, but over here we try to to do the decent thing - all things considered. :hibiscus:


No, I don’t want to thank them. Europe still doesn’t have a working sim. We paid and no service


I’ll be the first to admit I’ve made complaints and “negative” posts if you’d like to call them that. I’ve tried to remain constructive and add to the conversation but I’ll also admit I often lack the tact that many of the members here have down pat. (That’s my short comings and I am working on them.)

We truly have an amazing community of sim pilots, real life pilots, and enthusiasts. From pros to newcomer’s. We all have a passion for this sim and that’s a great thing to see. Whether people are upset (the last few days) or super enthusiastic it’s good to see the community come out in droves. I’ve seen folks post who I haven’t seen in a while, come back and say something nice, or something that they want to address.

The community has grown so much, and continues to grow. I’m glad to be apart of that. I’m glad to have a place where we can gather and hear each other out, whether disagreeing or agreeing. The passion remains the same, people are upset because they care, this is our past time this is our escape, this is our digital flight trainer. When things go wrong people want to be heard and have solutions. When things go right only a few stick around to applaud and revel the marvel of this Simulator (2020 & 2024.)

Great post OP. Gives me the warm fuzzys before bed. Thanks!

:pray: :handshake: :raised_hands:


Really? “There are also people that will disagree with me and never be happy about anything done on the sim.”

Yes there are always going to be those that kiss up sing praises others get very upset. So you listen to all… you don’t come here just reading only the praises … those are always a given…it’s a huge thanks but… need to keep working on it so you read all those that are upset unhappy… those are the ones you listen to. The butter up crowed tend to not tell you all the bugs… believing you already know all of them… you don’t. So lets just relax and let people be happy mad what ever.

It’s NOT your game… you didn’t make it… didn’t spend hours countless nights… blah blah blah.

This whole thing reminds me of my daily commute when an accident slows traffic to a crawl. Some (myself included) are content to ease along, listening to music, understanding that traffic jams are a part of life. Others dart from lane to lane, their frustration and aggression increasing with every 50 feet they think they’ve gained.

And then, when we get to the traffic light at the end of the off-ramp, I’m right behind them, grooving to Steve Miller’s ‘Fly Like An Eagle.’


Nice post; well said.


Again, the world doesn’t run on good intentions.

There’s a big difference between holding a door open for the girl behind you and releasing a video game where some of us have yet to play for longer than 5 minutes without it crashing.


The world really does run on good intentions. Without those you now would have nothing to complain about. It is not “fundamentally” busted. It is “temporarily” busted for some. It will work out in the end.
People without good intentions never created anything worthwhile.

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I agree with you, I do. But the world doesn’t necessarily run on bad intentions either. There’s no way MS/Asobo wanted this headache. 2024 was supposed to be the solutions to many of 2020’s issues. I’m sure Jorg, Seb, and Martial aren’t very happy with the way this launch went. I’m sure there are things going on behind the scenes we are not privy to. This will get sorted. It has to. If you can get a refund go that route, then circle back when the wrinkles are more or less ironed out.


“Cheers to all the positive people with realistic expectations and a constructive mindset” ?!?!?

“Realistic expections” ?!?!?

I think you miss the point here. A realistic expectation is that Microsoft as a professional developer shouldn’t mess up like this. They didn’t learn anything from the troublesome introduction of MSFS 2020. They are driven by deadlines and getting our money. The customer seems to be an annoying bystander to them.


Yeah this is some weird stuff, I can appreciate the work devs do, but appreciation posts when tons of users can’t even play the game.


Appreciate it , mate. Glad somebody else is able to show some love as well. Bless you.