Given that:
(1) I am NOT a beta tester
(2) Beta Testers cannot discuss the RESULTS of what they are doing with other non beta testers (NDA)
I believe it IS allowed for me, as a non beta Tester, to suggest what I hope gets tested, based on Zen Desk Reports I have submitted with Bug reports, and my communications with Asobo, through the devsupport forum.
So, I am going to suggest some things that Beta testers MIGHT choose to test, and then decide if they wish to include processing of what they find , as part of their Beta testing work.
(1) In a plane like the C172 steam, flying at a given altitude, if one alters the weathers Baro Pressure to non-standard pressure , does the FL display in the Transponder change, and if so, after pressing the B key, does it read Flight Level, or does still incorrectly display the Pressure Corrected ALTIMETER gauge,
or better still, in planes that have altitude_indicator in their system.cfg files - is that still set to 2 for most planes, or has it been updated to 3 ?
(2) Does Flaps_Index now work correctly, and not get out-of sync with the flaps position, if the flaps are decremented multiple time when at zero flaps, and then incremented.
(3) Does the C172 Classic Clock backlight still stay ON, when the plane is Cold & dark, dependent on any of the lighting rehostat (Potentiometer) controls
(4) When the Auto-pilot is turned on, Does the C172 Steam Vertical Speed as set by the AP, lock to the plane’s VS, at the moment the autopilot was turned on.
(5) Does that Altitude -Arm button now work in the C172 steam AP
I have no idea what beta testers decide what to test but, once again, we all know that you, as Beta Testers CANNOT share any finding outside the Beta Tester Group.
However, maybe, you might like to test some of the above , and then decide if your results should be reported as part of your testing.
Finally, before someone comes back at me, tells me, basically :-
“If you care so much, why did not not apply to be a beta tester, and test it yourself” –
I tried, but was too late applying in the very small time windows before all slots were filled !!