A petition for the 40th anniversary edition: FEDEX Caravan

I think this iconic version of the C208 well deserved to appear in the coming 40th Anniversary edition. I’m sure FEDEX will love the idea.

Not only because the importance of this version in the Caravan development, and its impact on the aerial cargo transport market, but also, as one of the most recognized and loved liveries in the FS history.

There’s a livery already available.


Umm, I’d personally love to see the successor - the Cessna 408 SkyCourier :slight_smile:

Unfortunately the FedEx version did not play any role in the FS history when it comes to default aircraft - it’s a really specialized aircraft for a single customer.


I think it’s not fair to say that this version it’s a mere single customer version. Fedex was the first customer that bought the cargomaster version that later become a huge success for other clients. Even the Fedex specifications was the baseline for the design of this variation. The impact of this model wasn’t minor in the cargo ops around the world.

I don’t say this version play a role in the FS history. I only said that the livery is one of the most created and downloaded in the history of FS (you can find several examples for FS98 in flightsim.com).

It always had been an iconic plane in the FS community.

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Absolutely! I was about to write that too :slight_smile:


Livery, yes. but we dont have the cargo version in MSFS if im not wrong? I rarely use defautl aircraft, besides the C172, but i think we only have the Pax version, right?

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Sadly yes, only the passenger version. There were two payware version: one from Feelthere (very poor rendition) and another one from Carenado for FSX/Prepar3d.

In my humble opinion I think it’s a good moment to pay tribute to this version as it deserves.

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Yes, i agree. We need more small Cargo planes. :slight_smile:

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Following on from the Halo theme, I’d like to see the Pillar of Autumn