A possible solution to CTDs

Hi everyone,

I have been testing a specific option in Nvidia control panel for a while and wanted to share the result with you which might help people who have persistent crashes in the simulator.

I had been getting crashes with my system for a while before I tried this. Trying to resolve the crashes I discovered this setting in Nvidia control panel and gave it a go selecting “Prefer System Fallback”

My CTDs stopped, i thought this might be just a coincidence and turned it off to check it for another 5-10 flights. Unfortunately CTDs came back. Since then I have set it this way and not having CTDs whatsoever.

I just wanted to share this hoping that it could help you as well.
Here is my specs:
RTX 3090 TI
32GB DDR5 Ram

You can also see the description in Nvidia Control Panel explaning what this setting does.

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This setting allows GPU to use system´s RAM in case of high VRAM usage. That won´t prevent CTDs but simply allow GPU to use RAM if needed.

Just read the release notes of the recent SUs and in particular the SU15 beta ones. The amount of CTD fixing and stability corrections is very high, so the CTD main problem is still inside game, not outside it. Let´s see if they can finally fix it with SU15.



That’s totally correct, but that was exactly what i was suspecting. I noticed some VRAM spikes in the sim. Despite having 32GB in some occasions i noticed almost all was being used. Whenever I stop using this option CTDs are back. This doesn’t look like a coincidence anymore after trying it with more than 20 flights. There is still something wrong with the sim’s vram and ram allocation, but hopefully SU15 will resolve it all as you said.