A Question to Avoid Reinstalling the Sim After Beta

Hi everyone,

I have a question about the beta installation. Now I have the game in steam so as far as I understand I put the entire folder, that’s currenty located in packages, to somewhere called C:\MSFS. Then is that it? I have 60 GB space left in that disk, would this cause a problem for the beta installation?

Many thanks!

As long as you follow the steps in the Beta notification (here’s a link to them, just in case [HOW-TO] Change the installation path of installed packages inc community folder, ) nothing else will be written to that location. The Beta will be installed over your original MSFS location.

Pretty sure that you dont have to move anything. Just go into steam and click properties and tell it to join the beta. Nothing will be avalible until 8:00 pst. When the beta is over and su8 is released all you’ll have to do is run the upgrade.

At least thats the way it work for su7 beta for me…

When I joined the SU7 hotfix beta, the only slightly tricky thing is that when you get to the in-game update part of it, it prompts you to select the new content folder you created but IIRC in my case it still had the old one by default; I had to actually select the right folder (i.e., the new parent folder of official and community). Would have been very easy to click past this by mistake and wind up reinstalling the whole thing.

tl;dr: there’s one key moment in the install where you might screw up the directory selection, avoid this.

That’s true. But the recommendation is to install the sim in a custom folder to prevent re-installation issues when the beta goes final.
So I, as a two time re-installer :unamused:, would certainly consider moving the msfs-content to a new folder before the beta.
EDIT per the post below. For me it was necessary to re-install to a custom location, because my sim got wiped for the second time. When your sim still sits on your drive, it will save you time to only move the packages folder, which contain the Official and Community folder to a custom location. In my case D:/MSFS.

As a side note, I really, really dom’t understand why they don’t fix this installation headache adventure for once and for all…

I don’t read the instructions that way.
They say to move the content, and the link provided explains how to do that.
That link defines “content” and it is only the “packages” folder, which contain the Official One Store and Community folders.
I don’t believe it is necessary to reinstall the sim.


Thats the way it worked last time for me as well. I just had to tell it where the sim was located, and it replaced whatever beta files were replaced with the new ones. No reinstall was needed.


If that is really so, your advice is much better!
My sim was wiped for the second time, so a re-install was necessary anyhow.
I will edit my post above, thanks for correcting me.

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BubbaBlitz7348 agrees with me (see above posts) so I am quite certain that is correct!

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Ah gee shucks ROFL ;p

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