This is the link to the final post of a series of articles and videos on building a Radios and Autopilot panel based on Mobiflight plus the use of an Android tablet running FSRadioPanel.
It was fun building it and it’s fun flying with it.
This is the link to the final post of a series of articles and videos on building a Radios and Autopilot panel based on Mobiflight plus the use of an Android tablet running FSRadioPanel.
It was fun building it and it’s fun flying with it.
Microsoft Flight Simulator 03 FSRadioPanel and Mobiflight
The Radios & Autopilot Panel Project I had been working on the past months performs well with FSX. I had not yet had a chance to test it with Microsoft Flight Simulator though. Until now … yesterday I was able to put it to the test and I can gladly confirm FSRadioPanel (Android app) and Mobiflight (Windows app to connect hardware) both work well with MSFS.