I was tired of using heavy and too strong spring-loaded pedals that I bought time ago, so I decided to build a prototype with all recycled material and an Arduino Nano with Mobiflight. Surprisingly enaugh, it works pretty well just in this first prototype.
This is an animation I made with blender, hope that can be interesting for someone else!
here is the animation of the movement of pedals. The base is designed in order to create many different assets; on top of the 2 moving platform I will mount the brakes pedals in the next version.
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Sorry, on the previous video there was an important part missing; I post a new video with the screws that stop the springs in one direction, so that the springs don’t follow the rotating bars but only one end of the spring moves, while the other is locked by a stopping screw (rendered in gold color).
I added the brakes pedals; all potentiometers are connected to arduino nano analog inputs A0 A1 A2, while positive and negative wires are connected to a little board that brings the +5V and ground from arduino pins.
The gears are currently Lego gears, but of course it is possible to find other and probably better gears.