A thought to reduce some of the 'bug' clutter

Would it be possible to have a separate section for bugs that are specific to just one airport?

I think so many of the important ‘worldwide’ scenery bugs are getting buried because of the multiple airports that may have a light in the middle of the taxi-way, or a shed placed backwards, or a pine tree somewhere that should only have Douglas Fur during this time of year…

I get every issue should be fixed, but I see so many minor gripes about one part of one airport and I just feel like those shouldn’t get in the way of the (much) bigger issues we still have. Like windsocks blowing 180° opposite to the wind. Incorrect taxiway names. Parking spots that point you into a building, fence, hangar, towards a cliff. PITCH BLACK AIRPORTS, etc…

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So disappointing that something like that isn’t fixed quickly, in a timely manner.


There are over 40,000 airports. I don’t understand the request to have a separate section for bugs that are specific to just one airport.

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Exactly BECAUSE of the 40,000 airports is why it might make sense to have an area for airport blemishes that are cosmetic and specific to one airport vs. another new thread in the ‘bugs’ section for something that’s not really a bug, but an imperfection to a specific place.

The sim still has real bugs and people are barking about petty things like a windmill being the wrong shade of red, or something as equally unimportant for the bugs section.


Topic moved into General Discussion for feedback.

The Bug Reporting category is for reporting confirmed bugs using the provided template where one bug is reported for each issue.

I have tagged the topic with #forum-feedback so that the forum team will be notified.

You can also report a bug through Zendesk. This is an official MSFS bug reporting site.

Go to https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com and in the top banner, select “Submit a Request”.

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Well aware of the Zendesk page, although I wonder if Asobo has heard of it, hmm…

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