You will not be disappointed if you pick up the Comanche. Her flight model alone is worth the price.
I’m mainly flying the 73’s for my virtual Southwest career and using the Comanche as my commuter from my home in COS up to my “base” at DEN. She is also my go to GA now for any fun flights around Colorado.
Now if only A2A would give us their J-3, well I’d probably not fly anything else.
Long story short, you live once, buy the Comanche!
Disclaimer… I do not forget to show love to other greats like the FsR500 and the RV’s… it’s just less since the Comanche came out
So here’s the thing. If you are into airliners the Comanche is probably not for you. If you are into single engine piston GA and not say a turbine or jet then same thing the Fenix or PMDG offerings are probably not for you. The point being only you can decide what you like and how much. What A2A have done with the Comanche is top notch but it’s a Comanche. So if you want something faster and/or more capable or perhaps complex then it’s going to miss the spot because it’s a Comanche. A good one but still a Comanche…
I kind of went the other way. I love bush flying and extreme terrain, and before the Comanche I spent almost all of my time in the Kodiak and smaller STOL planes trying to land in the tightest spots possible.
Since the Comanche, I’ve changed the way I enjoy the sim. I now take more “$100 hamburger” style flights that would be more suitable to the plane. I love taking care of it (never thought I’d say this, I came to gaming ostensibly to get away from problems), I love the flight model, I love how it feels so much that it literally “changed the game”, or how I play the game.
If you’re going to do any GA flying at all it’s a must buy, IMHO.
Tbh I don’t bother with the walk arounds anymore. I usually just hop in and go. Sometimes I check behind the prop that nothing is nesting in there but that’s about it.
But even though I don’t really treat her as intended I still think she was worth the money. There is no other plane I fly that feels alive like the Comanche. The cabin light dimming each time the starter turns the engine over, then the cylinders misfiring and cockpit vibrating while she warms up. The engine losing power due to carb ice in flight. The primitive AP struggling to find the course. It’s just full of character. And just such a smooth plane to fly.
Yeah didn’t need to worry, more than got my moneys worth after just the first hour with her lol….completely different to anything else and hard to describe in words or just from watching videos
So if anyone else is sat on the fence like I was it is completely 100% worth it.
I’ve left her tied up for a few hours so will be interesting to see what I end up going back to lol
Question: I’m getting a constant morse code sound, how do I turn it off. I’m navigating to/from a VOR, so I guess it’s the signal from there but it doesn’t stop. How to switch it off?
Anyone using the Turtle Beach Velocity One with this aircraft and have random selections happen? I have had the hand brake turn on in flight three times (This has happened on the Iris Simulations Jabiru too) I have had two pitch downs on approach, which I think is trim related (I don’t normally have the full nose down trim problem) and also the starter button will be pressed when shutting down, usually when the mags are turned off. I am using Xbox Series X.
Yep, done that, I found out that it is an issue in general as a few others have the same problem. It just seems that some aircraft are more prone to it than others.
It’s a hardware issue I think, happened to me with other aircraft. You can solve it by assigning trim to buttons instead of the trim wheel. I connect my pedals to flightstick instead of directly to the yoke and haven’t had any pitch down issues.