Looks astonishing, and I can’t wait to try it out.
Very well put together first video. Professionalism and perfection seeking seemed to shine through. Learnt a few things too.
The Commanche is looking as if it could be quite special.
Can’t wait to learn more.
This is the correct reply!
Note to self: totally stop considering buying any more single engine prop aircraft.
Wow. They better have some robust servers on release day!
We gonna send Scott on vacation big time.
In recent years many developers have come close to what A2A did back in FSX and P3D. There are many aircraft with wear and tear, save stating and other bells and whistles these days. But watching that video it has become clear: the King of the Hill is back and has surpassed them all!
About 8 years ago I embarked on a World Tour in FSX with the A2A Piper Comanche. I flew and still fly the legs of that World Tour every so often between all my other flying and in real time, that’s why it’s taking so long.
Unfortunately I had to switch to the Asobo C172 and then the Just Flight Piper Arrow III when I made the transition to MSFS after reaching Australia. Now, parking near Los Angeles after flying from Europe via Africa, India, Southeast Asia, Australia, Japan and Canada – spanning 169 flights, 35,328 nautical miles and 249 flight hours – I’m very happy that I will be able to pick up my World Tour with the Piper Comanche again and finish it in style. Can’t wait!
I hope A2A releases a paint kit along with the aircraft, so I can slap my good old World Tour livery on it.
This airplane is a masterpiece! Must have for me
I didn’t see any GPS in the video? I hope we will be able to fly modern IFR flights with it.
Mostly a dynamic available option, if they’ve build as for previous sims …
I’ll be doing my old World Tour also when released. I plan to visit every country capital (low fly over those few countries that do not have an airport, like Monaco)
Cant wait!
I haven’t been this animated about the sim for a long time now, really want to get my hands on this beauty. I watched the You Tube with twotonemurphy and Scott and I thought that it came across well with Scott really enthusiastic - as ever. Like UDDEVALLAPPL I hope that the G1000 Nxi is an option.
The down side; I suspect Captain Matto’s Bonanza is going to be gathering dust in the hangar.
My favourite A2A aircraft in FSX was the T6 Texan (aka Harvard) and I would bite your hand off at the shoulder to fly that again
Doubt you’ll see a g1000, that would be a totally different panel. Probably the usual gns530 or gtn750 options.
I have to say that, like Capt Randazzo, Scott has a fairly easy-to-listen modulated voice that’s great for these kind of things.
I remember the eye catching reveal of the DC-6 for MSFS and being near hypnotised by his voice
I felt the same listening to Scott with his knowledge, enthusiasm, and easy access language on his project and passion.
The engine simulation looks incredible. So much detail, and I love the fact that every engine start is unique. I’m having a hard time getting excited about the Comanche as an airplane, though. If this was the Bonanza V35, I’d be ready to buy it on release day. The Comanche doesn’t have the same level of personal interest to me. I’m thinking about waiting for the next AccuSim offering from A2A (maybe the Aerostar?), but I may still be persuaded by the sheer depth of systems here. It truly looks like a next-level product for MSFS, true to A2A’s reputation.
I know you’re right, its just that my X Touch mini is fully geared up for the G1000.
Someone from A2A listed the GPS options in this AVSIM post:
Sounds like there will be several cockpit configurations to choose from: no gps, GNS430, GNS530, GNS530+GNS430, PMS 750, TDS 750Xi.
I would be happy to see A2A give hardware bindings some love. They could set a standard for it.
That said, I know we cockpit builders are a minority.
Just noticed that A2A Simulations uploaded a detailed introduction to the Comanche project. And I’m truly impressed of what they’ve done and the level of detail they put into. This brings flying an GA aircraft to a complete other level of immersion and realism. It definetly will be a nobrainer.
I think we have some time before it’s comes out
Yeah probably, but still I’m hoping that they’ll manage the release in July already.
I almost can’t believe anyone is actually talking about a realistic addon for MSFS in these forum these days. Kudos. Back when I watched that video I found the shutdown sound quite disappointing. The sound didn’t sync with the prop and it shutdown too fast. I hope they fix that.