The most sad part of flight-swimming is that dumbing down graphics does not always grant more FPS, because a bit of AI traffic and a study level aircraft may take up several dozens of milliseconds in frame time regardless of graphic settings.
Yes, a known risk is in fact not a risk.
I missed the point that releasing “ready for SU10 update” prior to SU10 is very sensible plan. I’m sure that they’ll be ready to release hot fixes very quickly in case there’s any unexpected anomalies.
all this chat about update, they said anything about releasing it? been a long time since they mentioned an update and never heard about again.
Hm we will see. There are no further infos, only that “Aamir said that an Fenix update will come before SU10” in the Fenix chat. I am really happy about that because maybe this update will bring the IAE v2500 engines and some nice other A320 options (in cockpit and cabin) too. Yess!!
Since release day, performance has been the Achilles heel of the Fenix A320, apart from several bugs such as TCAS (doesn’t work well), Terrain map (doesn’t work well), instability at low speeds (especially in full flaps approach, whose physics are horrible), speed control in descent is equally horrible, always lower than expected with the inability to maintain speed with the help of the engines (continuously leaving the assigned speed threshold for going too slowly in manage mode), the physics on ground are equally terrible (and they aren’t due to Asobo’s fault), etc. Yes, the Fenix A320 needs an update, and not only to add new features or new engine models. It’s a great plane, but it’s far from perfect.
Good grief! Am I flying the same plane
Yes, you fly it, only I have flown other study level A320 before and I want the same fidelity in Fenix. I can’t believe you haven’t seen all these bugs if you fly the Fenix. Did you seriously not notice?
For me very personally, the utmost gripe is the illogicality of interface.
A glaring example:
Under “MCDU MENU” you have two (sim related) submenu: “CONFIG” and “MAINT”
Press “CONFIG” then the page title says “SIMULATOR CONTROL”. Why such discrepancy? Well… OK, its very trivial. But why “MAINTENANCE” is here. not under “MAINT”???
Let’s go to “MAINT” then.
Why on earth “PAUSE” and “FLIGHT FREEZE” are here? Shouldn’t they be under “CONFIG” or “SIMULATOR CONTROL” whatsoever, where “PAUSE NEAR T/D” function is? Why “DOORS” is here, not together with “FUEL” and “CARGO”?? Why failure related functions are spread over “CONFIG” and “MAINT” ??
It looks like, as if functions are spread over many random submenus in random names. In fact, all those functions should not be in MCDU, but in EFB. But at its current state, the EFB is a chaotic mass of useful tools too.
Dear Fenix team, please organize things properly so that those mental torments are gone! I can withstand misaligned screws but not this!!
Good points, but have you figured out what flight freeze and pause actually do?
I’ve always been in the middle of a longish flight and not wanted to spend too much time figuring it out, when she who shall be obeyed requests my presence, so have just activated both. I suppose i could have RTFM, but obviously haven’t.
The goddess who does as she pleases even with the most devoted pilot sitting next to the sidestick - because she always listens more to the fly by wire computer than to actual stick inputs - always requests your presence.
And utmost Fenix devotion
Anyone know why the autopilot disconnects and the airplane shifts side to side mid flight?
Standard behaviour if you are doing something which causes the autopilot to disconnect.
Maybe check for unwanted control mappings on the rudder/yaw commands. It sounds like something you are doing, knowingly or otherwise, is telling the rudder to move and that will result in the symptoms you are seeing.
For example, an Xbox controller, which you might use for camera views, and leave lying upside down, can play real tricks with you if it has any mappings that you aren’t aware of.
The “PAUSE” do normal pause, like pressing the esc key but not showing menu screen.
Everything stops except for online live traffic (because it is synced with real traffic)
It is one of things that PMDG737 can’t do.
“FLIGHT FREEZE” is another name of “Active Pause”.
Only the coordinate and attitude of your aircraft are fixed but everything goes on.
Fuel is wasted and autopilot goes crazy.
I don’t understand under what scenario such “function” can be useful so I keep myself away from it.
This is what PMDG737 does when it activates “PAUSE AT TOD”.
That’s a really useful post thank you.
I’ll now just use pause in future, as that will prevent me getting into grief for complaining that my better half has caused me to run out of fuel.
As far as I;m aware, fuel will continue to be burnt with PAUSE as well as FLIGT FREEZE. I’m not aware of any pause that stops that (perhaps the developer menu pause does?)
Ahh ok. Maybe i touched the rudders or yoke? To be honest i dont recall but i will monitor it. Thanks for the feed back
Does anyone have an issue with armed spoilers disarming themselves on approach?
I’ve mapped a button on my TM throttle to arm spoilers. On approach, I’ll lower the gear, move through flaps 2, 3 and to full, and then arm the spoilers. l see the message then on the ecam that the spoilers are armed. I’ll then kick off the auto pilot and hand fly the rest of the approach. About a mile or two out, I’ll suddenly get a warning that the spoilers are not armed. So I’ll quickly press the arm spoilers button again, and they go back to being armed. They will stay armed through landing.
I’ve double checked and I have no other conflicts for armed spoilers and only that one button I’ve mapped to arm spoilers. When I press the button, I’ve checked and the spoiler is pulled up to the armed position. It seems like when I arm the spoilers, they stay armed until…the ecam displays the landing config list, and then the spoilers get disarmed for some reason…
Just flown rnav z into Queenstown, NZ
Everything went about perfect though landing a bit heavy, which was my fault. Fenix descended from 10000 feet, followed all constraints, went into final when approach pressed and I took over at 300 feet above ground.
Terrain displayed well as far as I can tell, with mountains all around, and alerts given twice during approach.
My only difference is I set speed myself which the autothrottle follows perfectly.
It’s very useful if you want to check out scenery with the drone cam, or maybe get a screenshot that you can’t quite get if you are flying. In my experience though, this scenario would usually only occur if I’m doing low and slow GA flying. I can’t imagine ever needing active pause while flying an airliner, except maybe if I’m looking for that perfect screenshot on take off or on approach.