[A319, A320, A321] Fenix High-Fidelity Aircraft

Yeah, I’ve heard about it but I thought the Fenix A320 was an exception because it runs outside of the sim. It should be able to stop fuel consumption as long as the “app” knows the sim is paused. It should know because “PAUSE” can be armed and triggered via MCDU, right?

Actually I’ve done a test to confirm that fuel is not consumed in Fenix A320 when pause is triggered via “PAUSE AT T/D” in MCDU. But I cannot strongly confirm this because my test was very quick and rough one. So I might be totally wrong, or at least I had to put that the Fenix is an exception even if my assumption was right.

That is the idea of active pause but I still don’t think it is needed nor usable.
The normal pause can be triggered without summoning menu screen, if you assign a dedicated key stroke for it (You can find it somewhere in the option). Then it can be used for any purpose that can be done with “active pause”.

I’m sure that using active pause while take off and landing will cause catastrophic consequence, while it can make long range cruise@FL380 less boring.

If you use “normal” pause without triggering the menu, does it allow you to have full cockpit/chase/drone camera controls? If so, then I’d be inclined to agree. Personally I’m a bit of a screenshot nerd, so having full camera controls would be essential to me. I’d definitely consider doing this from now on if I had such controls.

Regarding using active pause during take off or landing, I have never had any issues personally. Not saying it mightn’t cause issues for others though.

Yes, as I remember it, camera control was not affected.
I’ll test again though.

It’s mainly AP and AT, and maybe FADEC, that are disturbed by active pause. So full manual TO and landing may be OK.

Active pause stops aircraft movements only. If AP & AT were feeding any command for certain attitude & airspeed, they will drive those commands to the extreme because their commands are “ignored” by active pause.

Normal pause put more things to stop so a bit “safer”. But with PMDG737 (it runs inside the sim) for example, even full pause (ESC) caused erratic behaviors because nothing cannot pause everything that runs in the sim as @gordongreig mentioned. So I save flight and quit when I need long pause. (I rarely take screenshot)

Meanwhile I can use “PAUSE AT T/D” with Fenix without worrying too much because it seems to have its own pause command for its entire system.

Thanks, that’s quite interesting. I’ll have to try out this particular pause mode, and map it to a key. I do prefer the idea of “properly” pausing the sim over active pause.

Yup nobody is asking for 60 fps from Fenix. The problem is it’s a slideshow on many landings.

Every other airliner in this game can give me a constant 30 FPS on landing. Maybe 25 at major airports.
Fenix knows this is a problem and it’s why they’re going to fix it. There’s no need to defend what they’ve already admitted is a problem.

Even with these issues I still think Fenix is an excellent product, I just avoid flying it now because of the performance.


Finally get a acceptable full manual landing on KLGA in rainy day, fun to fly full manual with ILS guidance with smooth touch down speed + totuch down spot IMO. don’t feel the handling is weird for me though.

for performance my mid-high end PC with 12700KF, 3070Ti and 32gb ddr5 runs silky smooth visually on ultra and 1920*1080 (didn’t check FPS though). I do think the rendering of stuffs are more a MSFS thing more than Fenix alone, which I do know they tax the CPU quite a bit (I don’t have IGPU, so can see CPU in the 12700K keeps like working hard)

I have tested and confirmed that „set pause“ command assigned to a keyboard stroke does not block camera control. So normal pause can be used for whatever purpose of active pause.

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Autopilot still disconnecting mid flight at crusing altitude and speed. Someone yesterday mentioned that it could be from me doing something during the flight, but i have not touched anything with the controls or any flight instruments. Any ideas?

Maybe noise on one of your existing controller axes, making it look like you have moved the associated control.

Try bigger deadzones and see if the problem goes away.


Any noise/unwanted movement on the spoiler axis control, that you presumably have mapped, is likely to cause the spoilers to be disarmed, so maybe check the deadzone on that axis

Good to know. Haven’t had a chance to try it myself yet, but glad to hear that it works.

Nice rig!

FYI, an A320 isn’t a heavy… in fact, it’s barely half a heavy LOL… Heavies have an MTOW of 300k lbs or more. Except 757s are treated as if they were a heavy for separation purposes in the US. And A380s are too fat to be heavy, they’re known as “Super”.

Lol I know the heavy part, but somehow I just like ppl call me heavy, so I checked the heavy option anyway

Why keypad number 1 enable pushback?

Anyone use the EFB on ipad, finally got my ipad screen repaired after sitting on it a while back, whoops, but it doesn’t show the tabs on the bottom, I can open the other ‘apps’ so like departure and arrival performance etc, but I can’t change between tabs on this page, eg to mass and balance or ground service or airframe settings etc, as they don’t show at the bottom.
Anyone else?

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Where is the patch. There is fair bit to fix, but we need the patch.

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By the way, did you know that this is a bottle filled with rain repellent oil to make all the raindrops pearl off the windshield?

I always thought this is either a bottle with oxygen for the pilots, or the emergency Vodka bottle for Russian pilots when the temperature reaches -90° Celsius to keep them warm and alive.

In the next Fenix flight I am going to check if the pressure indicator of this bottle sinks to zero when the rain repellent button is pressed a few times.

Lately I have been getting the “INOP SYS / CAT 2” message a lot in the Fenix.
Does anyone know what the message means and how to get rid of it?